When it rains, it pours... [Sickbay - open to all - sick, healthy, just wandering through]

Sep 27, 2009 10:07

What a fucking bad morning...

The morning's unexpected meeting with Tina regarding Sam hadn't quite changed his mind about keeping the man under wraps for a bit longer. He knew he'd need to talk to Spock about him... hell, he needed to talk to Spock about all that was going on, if any sort of plan was being made, if anyone had heard anything ( Read more... )

winona, sam, i hate space, tina, because i'm a doctor dammit, sickbay is always open, this is my life?

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Comments 98

kirk_winona September 27 2009, 18:30:17 UTC
Winona walked into Sickbay feeling as if she had been hit by the Enterprise, her hands thankfully not shaking like they had been earlier, but her worry had yet to dissipate, and knowing her probably wouldn't until they had Jim and George back on the ship alive in some way.

She sighed, hoping she wouldn't lose both of them, hoping that they'd come back alright. She stopped, avoiding any puke when she did and spoke.

"Never have I been so happy that I don't drink orange juice."


dctr_mccoy September 27 2009, 19:16:59 UTC
Turning his head, Leonard allowed the scowl on his face to drop when he saw Winona. Their eyes met, both filled with the same sort of disbelief, as if they were walking through a nightmare. He waved off the nurse heading her way, and made his way toward her, not knowing what to say.

He couldn't just stand there, though, like an idiot... "You alright?" he asked in a low voice, one only she'd be able to hear in the din of the busy room.


kirk_winona September 27 2009, 19:25:33 UTC
"Do you really need to ask that?" She whispered a little harsher than she meant to and winced. "Sorry, um, no I'm about the farthest thing from alright."

She looked at Bones with a frown, her right hand moving nervously, her thumb touching every finger in an effort to keep it from shaking noticeably. "What about you? You okay?"


dctr_mccoy September 27 2009, 20:59:13 UTC
Yeah, Bones had to agree - it was a fucking stupid question to ask, but one he suspected he'd get a lot the longer this went on. He shook his head to her, unable to answer her in any other way. Simply put, he was not okay.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw them, heard the chatter of the others in the room quiet a little. People were watching them - shouldn't have surprised him, but he didn't like it - almost as if they were waiting for one or both of them to fall apart.

He looked around the room, caught the eye of one of the nurses, who nodded at him. "C'mon," he told her, walking toward his office. He left the door open, but fell into one of the chairs near his desk.


rn_chapel September 27 2009, 20:58:10 UTC
Tina got the message about the rash of food poisonings just as she was heading to sickbay to report for her shift. She made a quick detour by her quarters and rolled a few clean uniforms into a bundle that she tucked under her arm on her way. She had a feeling that it was going to be one of those multiple-changes-of-clothing kind of days, and figured she'd save herself some walking.

That set the tone for the first part of her shift, in which nearly every thought was vomit-related. But at the first pause in the activity, as she stood with her hand resting lightly against a patient's forehead - medically unnecessary, but soothing and calming - Tina looked up, searching the room with her eyes for Dr. McCoy. She was more than capable of worrying about multiple people at once, after all.

When he met her eyes after she'd been studying him from across the room for a while, Tina offered him a tired half-smile, hoping he'd read in it a reminder that she was there, if he needed her, and went back to work.


dctr_mccoy September 27 2009, 21:35:54 UTC
It was one of those days when no one got much of a break, and Bones knew that his staff weren't going to take care of themselves any better than he took care of himself. He called up the galley, had a selection of sandwiches and salads sent up to them, and had them placed in the little area in the back where they sometimes took their breaks.

When Tina finished working up a chart of her last patient, he tapped her on the shoulder. "Go take fifteen minutes," he told her, knowing she'd work until she dropped if he let her.


rn_chapel September 27 2009, 21:45:53 UTC
"You're the boss," Tina said, stripping off her gloves and smock and wondering if it was time to change her shirt again. "You've been taking breaks too, right?"


dctr_mccoy September 27 2009, 22:07:11 UTC
"Yeah," he nodded vaguely, sitting down heavily in one of the chairs. "I think we've seen the last of the plague there," he told her. "All the replicators have taken orange juice off-line, and anyone who had any this morning should have, theoretically at least, been in by now."

At his words, the doors slid open and another ensign wobbled in, looking pale and holding their head. "Or I could be wrong," Bones grumbled. "It's happened before..."


dreadpiratekirk September 27 2009, 23:04:33 UTC
It took Sam only four hours and thirty two minutes to run through everything worth reading on Jim's Padd. What was on there wasn't particularly interesting, but he needed something mindless to do aside from sleeping.

For the next hour and a half he stared at the ceiling. There was nothing particularly special about it, but it was something to do. At first he had been trying to relax himself back into sleep, but eventually it had just become contemplation.

Sam arrived at the conclusion that he needed to get out of McCoy's quarters. He'd been invited to drop by sickbay if he was bored, and if this was not boredom, Sam was not sure what would be. He pulled on his boots and went out in search of sickbay.


dctr_mccoy September 27 2009, 23:13:53 UTC
The worst of the day was done by the time Sam ambled into Sickbay. "Hello there," he told him, motioning to the others that he would take care of this one. "How you doing?" he asked, cleaning off his hands before heading over to meet him.


dreadpiratekirk September 27 2009, 23:16:31 UTC
Sam looked about at the queasy looking crew members cluttering sickbay.

"I don't have vomit coming out of my ears if that's what you're asking." He smiled at Bones. "I got bored and figured I would take a trip down here."


dctr_mccoy September 27 2009, 23:27:24 UTC
"This is the place to be today," he said sarcastically. "You hungry? We got some leftover lunch back here."


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