Sickbay - earlier this morning (open)

Aug 08, 2009 14:14

It was long habit to keep a change of clothing in his office - most physicians he knew did the same. After being unable to get any hot water in his own room that morning, and not wanting to impose of Jim anymore than he already had, Leonard stormed into the sickbay wearing his previous days' clothing, and locked himself in sickbay's bathroom, ( Read more... )

tina, private: scotty, sickbay is always open, intraship communications, i like drinking too much, private: george, private: nyota, private: original jim, original chapel, because i'm a doctor dammit, private: jim

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Comments 37

In reponse tae both the work request and tha' private. amplenacelles August 8 2009, 19:44:50 UTC
Not today.


Re: In reponse tae both the work request and tha' private. dctr_mccoy August 8 2009, 20:48:17 UTC
Still... had a good time, I think.

Don't worry about the water. I've got sickbay for the time being.


Private to Doctor McCoy just_uhura August 8 2009, 19:53:58 UTC
Of course Leo. I'll forward my private codes and you can access the comms server to send whatever you want. We're in Federation space so transmissions should go through fine but any issues, just tell me.


Re: Private to Doctor McCoy dctr_mccoy August 8 2009, 20:48:56 UTC
You're an angel. Just have someone back home I need to talk to.

Thanks again.


Leonard, dear, regarding your shower... 1_00110111_01 August 8 2009, 20:34:01 UTC
I'm sorry about allowing that to happen, I was still distracted by my mourning and failed to notice that the young, displaced Monty had tampered with some minor systems. I believe that he has formed an attachment to Harold and felt - in his own, strange, way - that he was defending his new friend.

Also, I do not believe that young Monty is fond of your propensity for threatening with hyposprays.


Re: Leonard, dear, regarding your shower... dctr_mccoy August 8 2009, 20:54:22 UTC
Are you communicating in Standard?

That is amazing, Enterprise. Do you prefer Enterprise, or is there some other designation that you'd rather be known as? If sentience is what you were seeking, then I'm very happy for you.

I reiterate my offer to look over your case, should you seek designation as a new life form.

As for the shower... well I guess I can understand that. But he's not going to enjoy his first physical on board this ship, I tell you that.


Re: Leonard, dear, regarding your shower... 1_00110111_01 August 8 2009, 21:55:46 UTC
Yes, it made sense in my progression and I believe that it cheered James considerably when I began.

Enterprise works. I think that it is closer to what Organics would consider a name than any of my other designations.

I am still apprehensive about being re-designated, my fears still stand, however I am seriously taking your suggestion under advisement, Leonard.

Do not be too hard on him, my observations of him lead me to conclude that he is very nervous, as is.

[[OOC: I smile a little whenever I type 'Leonard', my da's godson's name is Leonard.]]


rn_chapel August 8 2009, 22:13:24 UTC
When they had a moment in the course of the morning, Chapel pulled her CMO aside for a quick word.

"How are you feeling? I'm surprised that you're back on duty so quickly. Are you having any trouble with your injuries?"


dctr_mccoy August 8 2009, 22:45:03 UTC
"Feeling better," he told her honestly. "I'm down to pain medication every ten hours or so, and there's no sign of infection, nor any lingering discomfort."

He arched an eyebrow at her. "Is that acceptable, Nurse Chapel?"


rn_chapel August 8 2009, 22:52:03 UTC
"Hmm, I should probably insist on a follow-up examination, but I guess I can trust you." Chapel grinned. "I'm glad you're healing so quickly. You had us all worried. Though, I guess there's no shortage of people to worry about on this ship."


dctr_mccoy August 9 2009, 00:27:59 UTC
Leonard chuckled at her, then shook his head. "If I thought I needed it, I promise, I'd let you know. But," he stopped, and grinned at her, I'm good."


Private communication to McCoy original_fine August 8 2009, 22:40:39 UTC
Never better, Bones. You?


Re: Private communication to McCoy dctr_mccoy August 8 2009, 22:45:59 UTC
Much the same, Captain, much the same...


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