Memorial Day BBQ

May 21, 2009 20:20

Invitations had been sent out, all heroes welcome, chili had been percolating in the crockpot all morning, vegetables cut, beer bought, and now all Ollie was lacking was the guests, before he could start grilling up a storm. He'd remembered this year to buy the kosher hot dogs this year instead of the regular ones. Beef ones tasted funny but if Sue ( Read more... )

green arrow ollie queen, amelia zukov, aquagirl lorena marquez, miss martian, troia, kid devil, static, oracle, superman, arsenal, cyclone, jericho, robin jason todd, the ray, atom, sue dibny, brenda, speedy mia dearden, paco, aquaman

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Comments 110

middle_amazon May 22 2009, 04:59:47 UTC
"Great Hestia, I'm going to eat way too much of that." His 5-month pregnant daughter-in-law has made a rare trek from the Titans base to see him and the others.


starcity_archer May 22 2009, 05:03:57 UTC
Ollie absolutely beamed as he engulfed Donna in a hug. She had his grand-kid in him. His grand-kid. This was amazing. "Do you need to sit down? What can I get you to drink? Water? Juice? Milk?"


middle_amazon May 22 2009, 05:16:33 UTC
"Barbecue when it's ready. This kid I swear will take anything grilled at any time." She sort of misses beer even if she's not a heavy drinker. "I'll stick with water for now. Roy's making a run for it. You're safe at the grill, Ollie."

There was a time where she would have never thought she would seek out Ollie all on her own. But they sorted things out before she and Roy got married.


starcity_archer May 22 2009, 06:43:33 UTC
"Burgers, kosher hot dogs, or veggie kabobs?" Ollie offered. "Anything else? We got food already going in the kitchen. He searches out the best seat in the backyard for his daughter-in-law.


l33t_winged_bat May 22 2009, 05:07:41 UTC
She left the chair behind today. There will be enough seating. Her crutches move under her as she navigates the backyard with a sack of baked goods dangling from her right hand.


make_contact May 22 2009, 05:20:34 UTC
Joey's got the rest of the baked goods in each of his hands, grateful in a million little ways to Barbara for giving him something to do and someone to show up with. He wants to see everyone that he's missed, and from what he's told people will want to see him too, so missing Ollie's barbeque... well he would have been remiss not to come. But there's a crawling nervousness in the pit of his stomach just the same ( ... )


l33t_winged_bat May 22 2009, 05:31:55 UTC
"You look like a deb before the ball," she jokes.


make_contact May 22 2009, 05:45:40 UTC
The comment catches him off guard enough that he laughs - a helpless grin and soundless lift of his shoulders - which was probably the point.

He signs 'that's about right' and runs a hand back through his hair.

He hasn't been talked into a haircut or a shave yet. He knows he's out of fashion but it feels too weird yet to take the chops off. At least jeans and t-shirts didn't go horribly out of style in a decade. (The titan costume though? Hah, yeah, THAT was going to need a re-do.)


the_cute_speedy May 22 2009, 05:45:05 UTC
Macaroni and cheese under one arm, potato salad under the other, and Mia's contribution to the festivities was official. She sauntered her way over to the main food table and set them both down. She grinned smugly over at Ollie, who'd had to be severely persuaded to let her join in the cooking.

She was dressed in a top that was possibly too low-cut, and shorts that were definitely too short, but she was pretty much ready for any argument the old man might bring on. She wanted to tart it up a bit in case Jaime showed up, or if she decided to flirt with anyone else (which she was totally still allowed to do).


starcity_archer May 22 2009, 05:52:49 UTC
Ollie wasn't going to say a word, not one word. He'd let Donna or Dinah do it instead. And he didn't care if she was helping in the kitchen so long as Tara didn't get annoyed. He personally was taking care of the girl.He knew better than to get in his girl's way when she was in the cooking mode.


great_swimmer May 22 2009, 06:16:45 UTC
Arthur was there only because Lorena had badgered him into going with her.


notsolilmermaid May 22 2009, 06:39:19 UTC
Lorena's grin was so wide it nearly took up the whole of her face. "I don't think I've been to a barbecue in years." And it was a barbecue with superheroes and sort of friends of Arthur. And it involved being out of the water. Bonus points!


mrs_dibny May 22 2009, 06:40:18 UTC
He generally hates these things, which is why Sue has an open beer in his hands and a plate with deviled eggs on it in his hands almost immediately.

"Nice shoes. Did I get those for you or Lorena?"


great_swimmer May 22 2009, 06:42:04 UTC
"You're way too chipper," Arthur grumbled at Lorena. He managed a small smile for Sue. "Sue. Always a pleasure. You're always trying to make me look respectable."


misschocolover May 22 2009, 17:39:58 UTC
Megan finds the right address without too much trouble, settling down from her flight in invisibly at the edge of the yard, making sure to find an inconspicuous spot before dropping her cover. (Jaime had been sure to instill a firm caution in her about using powers in public.)

She makes her way into the backyard, canting a heavy tin of chocolate chip cookies Gloria helped her to make against her hip, scanning the crowd for familiar faces as she heads to the table where all the other snacks seem to be deposited. She pops the lid off of her cookie tin and rearranges a few of the cookies so that the smiley faces made of chips are sitting upright. She'd thought it was a nice touch.


middle_amazon May 23 2009, 07:02:11 UTC
She's seen her at get-togethers put she's typically stuck with Titans South. She tries not to completely overwhelm the younger members when they first join because...Well, they have an idea about what her and the guys are supposed to be.

"Hello, you're Megan, right?"


misschocolover May 24 2009, 21:39:31 UTC
She jumps just a little at the unfamiliar voice, but puts on a big smile as quickly as possible. The point of coming to things like this is to know the people she's supposed to know if she's going this hero-ing business. And to make friends outside of the South because it's probably not fair to expect them to always be available to her.

She's still not quite sure how you go about making friends, the ones she has have just sort of... fallen into her lap, and everyone she asks just says 'be nice, be yourself'. It's just that that feels like someone telling her that all she has to do to fly somewhere is not be on the ground.

She nods when the other woman speaks to her, looking her over curiously. She reminds her somewhat of Diana...

"Yes, that's me. I'm sorry are you one of the super-famous ones whose name I should know already? I'm only up to the R's in the earth heroes database Mrs. Dibny told me about."


middle_amazon May 25 2009, 06:46:09 UTC
In Wonder Woman there is an aura of truth that is palpable and can compel the truth. Like her other abilities, her mortal-born sister (of a kind) Donna Troy has a more muted version of this aura. People want to trust her and she tends to put people at ease.

She chuckles a little. "Then you aren't to me yet. I'm Donna. I go by 'Troia.' I was the first Wonder Girl." If Megan thinks about it a little, she might link the lone girl represented in the Founders statue in front of Titans West with the grown woman before her.


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