After a couple of minutes of working through the vent system, they manage to light down inside the jailing complex. Sand's a bit annoyed at the amount of time that took...he had gotten used to seeping through cracks and all that...but he presses on.
Two minutes (and a couple of random guards KOed later), they find the holding area...and those
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Sand remote-detonates the Kobra Bomb, and immediately, all communication to and from the island is immediately, violently severed. "Go." Sand says over the com to whoever is listening, as he presses a button on his inhibitor that causes it to fall into the ground.
He then rounds the corner and engulfs the two metas, along with the stationed guards, in a wave of sand.
He stops in the middle of the hallway. "Hell with this."
He gestures, and the ceiling caves inward and erupts with the earth above it - then the earth parts directly upward until daylight pierces through. "Got about 7 minutes before the bad guys can call in reinforcement, we need to end this and get out quick. Did Nightshade say anything?"
"Come on, admit it... it was getting boring without my banter," he tells Tara as he begins heading back for the entrance.
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