Austin, Texas -- and a Giant Robotic LBJ

Mar 26, 2010 13:12

"Thanks, Katie. We're here at the Lyndon B Johnson Presidential Library & Museum, which is preparing to unveil a new sculpture given to the city by an anonymous donor."

Flash bulbs go off as the mayor finishes his speech in the background, while the reporter stands in the foreground, smiling. The camera shifts its angle to point up at a 50-foot-tall mount covered in a sheet. The mayor steps up to a cord and pulls it, and the sheet comes falling down, revealing the mound to be a 50-foot-tall statue of Lyndon Johnson.

"Wow. It's really something. That will be sure to bring more people to the LBJ Museum. I'm Suzanne Landrew, for News 8 Austin. Back to you, Ka..."

She doesn't get to finish her sentence as something in the camera catches her eye. She turns... as the statue of Lydon Johnson takes a massive step forward. It reaches down a massive hand to grab the mayor in his hand.

"Oh my god!" the reporter screams. "The statue... it's come to life!" Holding the mayor hostage in one hand, the massive LBJ begins to fire lasers from its eyes, blasting back the police who begin moving in. "Katie, things have taken an unexpected turn here at the museum..."

A laser blast hits the news van, cutting the broadcast short.

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