Title: Sinful Delight
dbdbyeahWord Count: 100
Concrit?: please?
Pairing: Jaejoong/Yoochun
Rating: PG
A/N: unni lifesaver
ianinna saves the day again.
The bitterness explodes in Jaejoong’s mouth, but he swallows anyway, liquid warmth sliding against the back of his throat. He breathes, and there is heat spreading through his flesh from the inside out.
It’s intoxicating.
Yoochun enjoys the blank slate. He enjoys the control he has over how hot or sweet or dark it would turn out to be. He enjoys the warmth, the bite - its wondrous effect on his needy body.
He admits he’s addicted.
(Yoochun likes his coffee - dark. Jaejoong prefers his sweet, but he doesn’t complain. He ends up saying, I’ll have what he’s having, as always.)