Title: countdown to the start of the end
silhouettedwingWord count: 150
Concrit?: Yes please, I've gotten rusty D:
Pairing: OT5
Rating: G
Summary: "Junsu's just happy we're all togther again."
Author's Notes: Set after Yoomin and Yunjae came back from promoting. :D
“Aish, don’t you have anything better to do?!” Yoochun’s aggravated cry sounds from the reading room. “Is me reading really that interesting?”
Jaejoong smiles when Junsu’s reply is heard, a musical laugh followed by a cheeky retort. “No, I’m just here to aggravate you. I can see it’s already working.”
Jaejoong hears a cushion being thrown across the room, wincing when he hears something drop to the floor (it’d better not be that antique clock, or there’d be hell to pay), and then Junsu flounces out, winking playfully at Jaejoong, who’s standing in the hallway before he enters Yunho’s study, no doubt to bother the leader.
Changmin exits his room when he hears the ruckus and looks at Jaejoong quizzically. “What’s going on?”
Jaejoong grins and shakes his head, giving a theatrical sigh when he hears Yunho protesting and Junsu laughing. “Nothing, Changmin. Junsu’s just glad we’re all together again.”