Title: as things change
sarangmodeWord count: 100 w
Concrit?: yes, please
Pairing: yoochun/junsu
Rating: g
Author's Note: please forgive the lapslock.
it's cold fingers and immaculate touches over his body that wake yoochun up.
"time to go yoochun" junsu says.
but yoochun's too sleepy to register that something's wrong.
in everything they do now, there's a body between them. it's jaejoong, so it's all good. but still.
yoochun feels like junsu's put himself in a bubble so thick that only junsu's crumbled resolve could break it.
affectionate smirks are reciprocated with polite smiles. and when yoochun stares at junsu like he used to, he gets a glance and a question.
"something wrong yoochun?"
yoochun blinks.
perhaps... all things move on.