Bar (Drabble Challenge 91: Spin)

May 26, 2010 01:07

Title: Bar
Author: twhitesakura
Word-count: 100
Concrit? Yes
Rating: G
Summary: Jaejoong never quite drinks alone.

The room is spinning and Jaejoong laughs, trying to catch light and the tinkle of glasses being lifted and set down. It’s like a piano. Like Yoochun composing late at night and Junsu singing softly under his breath. Jaejoong falls against someone’s boney shoulder. He smiles up blurrily at his companion, but it’s not Changmin at all, just a stranger who scowls and shoves him hard enough away from the bar to hurt.

The ground is cold and pricks ice through his skin, his hammering heart, when a hand reaches down. Jaejoong looks up and oh.

This one’s actually here.

c: spin, a: twhitesakura

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