Title: Defying Gravity [ part II ]
dbdbyeah Word Count: 100
Concrit?: yes please... this wasn't beta'd. [ no more time huhuhu ] :c
Pairing: Jaejoong / Junsu
A/N: we're out of town... and i thought there'd be wifi at the hotel but noooooo so it took me days to find a place to go online from and i'm freaking out and.... *sighs* this didn't quite turn out the way i wanted it to. -__- anyhow, sequel to
A/N2: this SHOULD have another installment SOON. that is if i write it in time before the wishbone challenge ends. because if not, i'd have to wait for an open week before posting it. > <
I told you to let it go, Jaejoong said as he stood outside the open door - a devastated Junsu holding it open for him.
The smaller man turned away, feeling ashamed and unsure of himself.
Then why did you have to come on to him again?! Jaejoong asked without any effort to mask the disappointment in his voice.
His question was left unanswered.
But Jaejoong decided to stay anyway.
(I wish I loved you instead, Junsu whispered against Jaejoong’s chest.
And as he let his heart beat for Junsu’s within a tight embrace, Jaejoong silently wished for the same thing.)