Title: Like Ink
cosmicanomalyWord count: 100
Concrit?: Oh, sure. Why not.
Character: Junsu-centric?
Rating: G
Summary: The words drop like ink into pure water.
Author's Note: first time posting here. D:
Disclaimer: This is fiction.
Who breaks the thread, the one who pulls, the one who holds on?
It's just another day, just another taunt, just because you can.
But you don’t see-
If you don’t mean it, why do you say it?
The words drop like ink into pure water, tainting it darker and darker and darker. The jokes aren’t running out of affection, but he is running out of forgiveness. He closes his eyes and smiles. This is his job, this is his job. This is just his job. Just five, ten, fifteen more minutes and then he can go home.
He's not doing this because he loves it (or you) anymore.
-the thread has snapped.