Entry for Challenge 05: Mediums

Apr 09, 2013 11:05

Hi there! So, this is my entry for the mediums challenge. I went with fic, but putting the disclaimer that this is probably not my greatest work. And I am definitely not a poet! Fandoms included: Haven, Fringe and Doctor Who.

Haiku (Haven)
Audrey is gone now.
A way to get her back?
He wishes he knew.

Three Sentence Fic (Haven)
Nathan doesn’t know how long he kneels on the grass, willing the barn to reappear, but the patch of ground in front of him remains infuriatingly empty. He keeps shouting Audrey’s name until they come and drag him home, but to no avail. She’s gone now and Nathan doesn’t know if there’s anything he can do to bring her back.

Drabble (Fringe)
Lincoln Lee isn’t sure when he realised he had a mental catalogue of the smiles of Olivia Dunham, but he definitely does. First, there’s the slightly pained but nonetheless genuine one when she’s trying to assure Walter of something or assuage his fears. Then there’s the bright one that lights up her face when she’s heard something funny. And then there’s the shy one where she chews on her bottom lip and pushes a strand of hair behind her ear while she looks out from under her lashes. That one’s Lincoln’s favourite. He gets tingles every time he receives it.

6 word fic (Doctor Who)
Blue box lands. New adventures await!

Poem (Doctor Who)
Lonely man
Floating through space
Always the same
Just a different face

Travelling alone
In need of a friend
A hand to hold
To tell him it’s not the end

He keeps on looking
And they come and they go
They break both his hearts
But he’ll never let go

Ficlet (Doctor Who) (using the prompt "11/Amy, penguins, nanotech" which xfirefly9x gave me ages ago)
“Doctor! We’re supposed to be visiting the arctic! There aren’t penguins in the arctic.”

The Doctor looked over Amy’s shoulder and out the TARDIS door, furrowing his brow. “That’s odd,” he agreed.

“So get back over there and get us to the right Pole!” Amy gave him a shove but he was still squinting at something she couldn’t really see through the snow. “What is it?” she asked, trying to see what had his attention.

“That’s very odd,” he muttered, and then with a flail of his arm was racing back to the TARDIS console and pushing dials and pressing buttons and staring at the scanner screen. Amy joined him as an image became clearer.

“See that?” he asked her, “this is the unclaimed section of the Antarctic. There shouldn’t be anything there.” Another twist of a dial and the TARDIS was taking off again.

“Doctor.” Amy narrowed her eyes at the Time Lord. “Tell me we’re taking off because you’re taking me to the North Pole and not because you want to have a closer look at this mysterious building.” The Doctor returned her look guiltily, and she rolled her eyes, but didn’t argue.

A few minutes later, the TARDIS indicated they had landed again, and the Doctor flipped the door open to reveal a sterile laboratory, all steel equipment and white walls. And also a group of angry looking people in lab coats holding some small but nonetheless threatening-looking implements in their faces.

“One move,” said the woman at the front, “and I’ll release a million nanobots onto you. You’ll be torn apart in seconds. Why are you here?”

“Well, just exploring, really, you do realise you’re not supposed to be here, don’t you?”

“Of course we’re supposed to be here. No one is supposed to know about us, though.” The woman raised her gun suggestively. “If you leave now, I’ll settle for filing a report about you, rather than taking you prisoner. You’ve got five seconds.” She began counting down slowly.

The Doctor threw up his hands. “All right, all right! We’re going! Look! Going.” Amy got the message and moved back into the TARDIS and the Doctor slowly stepped backwards until he could close the door between him and the… scientists?

“Did you see that logo on the door at the back of the room?” he asked as Amy joined him at the console again.

“No, what logo?”

“That’s just it, it wasn’t anything I recognised. I’m searching the TARDIS database now. But what is a secret scientific organisation doing in the middle of the Antarctic? Surely there are more hospitable places to set up without attracting attention?”

“I suppose we’re going to investigate, aren’t we?”

The Doctor’s eyes lit up at the suggestion;  he completely missed Amy’s sarcasm. “Knew you’d be up for it,” he said, clapping her on the shoulder before returning his attention to the console. Amy rolled her eyes again, but couldn’t help a smile. She supposed the North Pole could wait a while.

challenge: mediums

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