Title: Kim Jaejoong Rating: PG Pairing: Jaechun [ YOOCHUN POV this part ] Genre: Angst [ Fluff, romance and lots of smex to come soon ] Length: Drabble # 8 of ??? For:
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i'm glad i did coz you were gone for a while and y'know, you have to get your dose. eheheh. *HUGGLES BACK*
aaaa the style again. i have TONS more to improve [ i need practice to be like you when i grow up *COUGHalthoughimalreadyold-erCOUGH*! ] but i'm happy my writing makes you happy and breathless and what not. *TACKLES and speeds off with you*
Comments 4
SAVE for sisowath!
i love how you save these spots for me! haha i feel so much love oozing out of my soulmateh! paccchiiiiiii, you're ever so nice. huggles you.
... and wow imagery, you have such a unique writing style. i swear it leaves me wanting more every single time and breathless too. ouch, my jaejae. ♥♥
*speeds off to the next update*
i'm glad i did coz you were gone for a while and y'know, you have to get your dose. eheheh. *HUGGLES BACK*
aaaa the style again. i have TONS more to improve [ i need practice to be like you when i grow up *COUGHalthoughimalreadyold-erCOUGH*! ] but i'm happy my writing makes you happy and breathless and what not. *TACKLES and speeds off with you*
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