Title: Beyond the Shadows Rating: PG13 [ for now ] Pairing: Jaechun Genre: Angst [ Fluff, romance and lots of smex to come soon ] Length: Drabble # 3 of ??? For:
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wahhhhhhhhh emotional turmoil- "Before he was met with the saddest blue-gray eyes he has ever seen."
I could feel it, sensed it rather! oh my god, you've updated and did we managed to kill the story bubbles popper? i hope so! gkjsgfje kicks incoherency but this totally wins. i could feel something big is about to explode. oh my oh my, pokes you* for make me dread in anticipation.
geeze talk about suspense ne? :DDDD i lovers you! ♥♥ i swear detective park yoochun owns! poor jaejoong- damsel in distress. :::smiles::: jaechun needs more love. soulmatehhhhhhhhh. :::huggles:::
OMG! i can't believe you managed to read it before i emailed you!!! LMFAO! disregard the embarrassing and late email! waaaa! *TACKLES SOULMATE-AH!!!*
yes! yes! you my love have managed to scare bubble popper away for the time being... aaa i can feel more bubbles floating. aaaaaaaaa. *COUGHimightevendosomeofyourpromptsCOUGH* eheheh. it.... totally wins? O.O omg. you're too nice.
*blushes before tackling ai again*
i love you toooooo!!!! even MORE than yoochunnie in all his detective glory...! WAY MORE!!! *hugs you*
haha i got your e-mail! :DDDD pokes you for being so squishable!! yay for story bubbles floating and yay for prompts! *tackles you hard* wahhh this news made my morning lovers! i can't wait, can't wait for awesome works from the soulmateh! :DDDD excited much, *hugs you*
aaaah. you always tell me my stuff makes your morning. you're gonna make me feel all warm and cuddly and i'm gonna spaz all day if you don't stop. *pokes* <333
i'm starting the suju challenge. LMAO! i'm writing the first one now and imma post my archive in a while. aaaaa wish me luck. 100 fics is no joke. > < do you know any place where they have a dbsk challenge of some sort? i wanna try that too so i can get more push for inspiration and.... story bubbles. hahah. *TACKLES YOU*
spaz away love! :DDDD because when you spaze, ai is happy much. ♥♥ hmm i think in_vazn or something like that has suju fic challenge. :DDD good luck love and i will support you much! yay for inspiration and pretty story bubbles. :::huggles:::
oh i didn't mean to sound bitchy earlier! >.< sorrrrryyy and lol the ending is good enough really! it made me all ;____; MOAR PRZ so yeah. want more. teehee *is greedy* love the naughty icon btw xD
Comments 16
wahhhhhhhhh emotional turmoil- "Before he was met with the saddest blue-gray eyes he has ever seen."
I could feel it, sensed it rather! oh my god, you've updated and did we managed to kill the story bubbles popper? i hope so! gkjsgfje kicks incoherency but this totally wins. i could feel something big is about to explode. oh my oh my, pokes you* for make me dread in anticipation.
geeze talk about suspense ne? :DDDD i lovers you! ♥♥ i swear detective park yoochun owns! poor jaejoong- damsel in distress. :::smiles::: jaechun needs more love. soulmatehhhhhhhhh. :::huggles:::
OMG! i can't believe you managed to read it before i emailed you!!! LMFAO! disregard the embarrassing and late email! waaaa! *TACKLES SOULMATE-AH!!!*
yes! yes! you my love have managed to scare bubble popper away for the time being... aaa i can feel more bubbles floating. aaaaaaaaa. *COUGHimightevendosomeofyourpromptsCOUGH* eheheh. it.... totally wins? O.O omg. you're too nice.
*blushes before tackling ai again*
i love you toooooo!!!! even MORE than yoochunnie in all his detective glory...! WAY MORE!!! *hugs you*
haha i got your e-mail! :DDDD pokes you for being so squishable!! yay for story bubbles floating and yay for prompts! *tackles you hard* wahhh this news made my morning lovers! i can't wait, can't wait for awesome works from the soulmateh! :DDDD excited much, *hugs you*
aaaah. you always tell me my stuff makes your morning. you're gonna make me feel all warm and cuddly and i'm gonna spaz all day if you don't stop. *pokes* <333
i'm starting the suju challenge. LMAO! i'm writing the first one now and imma post my archive in a while. aaaaa wish me luck. 100 fics is no joke. > < do you know any place where they have a dbsk challenge of some sort? i wanna try that too so i can get more push for inspiration and.... story bubbles. hahah. *TACKLES YOU*
spaz away love! :DDDD because when you spaze, ai is happy much. ♥♥ hmm i think in_vazn or something like that has suju fic challenge. :DDD good luck love and i will support you much! yay for inspiration and pretty story bubbles. :::huggles:::
i love my soulmate for supporting me. aaaah. *pokes you* you know i always have your back too right? *tackles* <3333
heh. Detective Park ♥♥♥
i'm so sorry about that... > < it's just that, that's as far as my now story-bubble-draught recovering brain could take me. *bows*
i'll try to do better with the ending next time. lmao. atleast they've already met right? eheheh. THANKS FOR READING! ^^,
waaah no! you didn't sound bitchy at all... *hugs you* i'll try to update more. we'll see if the story bubbles are here to stay. lmao!
oh, and thanks. ^^, but yours is quite drool-inducing too. *steals pensive kyuhyun*
aaaa but i hope they were good chills........ were they good chills? *hides*
thanks for reading! <3
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