Holiday Fic: Time (Marvel, Dr. Strange/Ms. Marvel, PG-13)

Dec 20, 2009 23:52

Title: Time
Pairing: Stephen Strange/Carol Danvers
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Stephen has a lot of free time now that he's not Sorcerer Supreme anymore. Maybe he stops in to say hello...
Written for: The lovely and wonderful pensive1. I really tried to get this done in time for Chanukah. I really did! But apparently, Stephen doesn’t like to play with me. *grumble* lol Anyway, hope you enjoy this!
Disclaimer: I do not own anything recognizable in this. Marvel does. I do not make any money from this.

Carol Danvers had never been an easy woman to surprise. Her instincts and time as a hero had seen to that. Sadly, those instincts weren’t working at full speed. She’d fallen asleep on her couch, book in her lap, page lost in loose fingers. It was one of those nights. She hadn’t even felt the need to put on more than sweats and a sports bra to curl up in. The knock on the door was the only thing that saved her from a serious kink in the neck.

She rubbed at the not-kink in her neck as she made her way to the door, scooting Chewie back so his bid for escape was foiled. She was still shushing at him when she swung the door open. “Hello, Carol.”

Her eyes went a little wide before she looked up at the only man on the planet that smooth baritone could belong to. “Stephen?” She resisted the urge to adjust her sweats. “What are you doing here?”

“Can’t an old friend drop in and say hello?” He stepped into the room as she got out of his way. “You have a lovely home, Carol. I think I prefer it from this perspective.” She gave him a look and he smiled before gesturing to Chewie.

“Oh! Right…” She ran a hand through her hair and studied the man in her living room for a moment. He was perfectly put together, as she normally expected of the former Sorcerer Supreme. “I’d offer you something but I think the best I can do is water.”

“I’m fine, thank you.”

She stared a little longer; watched as he settled himself on her couch. “Stephen…” she didn’t want to be rude to him, honestly she was glad to see him again, but there was a vibe about this visit that seemed… different. It was a pleasant vibe, but she couldn’t just let it lie. He beat her to the question though.

“You’re wondering what possessed me to come here tonight, aren’t you.” He smiled.

Carol returned the smile and a bit of a wicked gleam started to invade her eyes. “I didn’t think you made house calls, Doc.”

He laughed and the sound put her at ease. “There are exceptions to every rule.”

“I’m sure.” She sat herself down next to him on the couch. “So why are you here, Stephen?”

“I wanted to see you. I have… a certain level of freedom now that I did not have the luxury of before.” He reached out, tucking a stray strand of blonde hair behind her ear. “I thought I might take advantage of that.”

“That must be a lot to adapt to.” Carol spoke quietly, not wanting to push. She figured he’d be a little touchy about his recent… career change.

“As I said, I have more time on my hands now.”

“And you wanted to… spend that time with me?” She realized a moment too late how loaded the question was, and her cheeks flushed. Her mind was ready to identify to that pleasantly different vibe, and the look he gave her seemed to confirm her suspicions but she was hesitant to put a name to it.

“Is that really so shocking?”

“Are you serious?”

“Not quite the response I was hoping for…” Carol stared at him for a moment. Stephen Strange had always been appealing, but always in that untouchable way. She felt her heart rate pick up as he leaned closer. “Perhaps I should have invited you to dinner first?” There was a teasing note to his tone.

“You are shameless!” She let out a nervous laugh and pushed her hair behind her ear again. “And I don’t think I’m dressed for dinner.” She scolded herself a moment later when she saw his far more professional face fall into place. Why was she fighting this?

“I’m sorry, Carol. Obviously I’ve misread things and I wouldn’t want to risk our friendship. If you truly aren’t interested…”

“No!” The word came out before she’d finished thinking it. She nearly berated herself for sounding that eager. “No, it’s not that. You caught me off guard, Stephen.” She needed to stop talking. She knew that, but her mouth didn’t want to cooperate, so she did what she always did in such situations. She gave her mouth something else to do.

She’d leaned in and pressed her lips to his so quickly that she almost felt that perfect Stephen Strange aura flicker and crack for a moment. It was a satisfying feeling. She wondered vaguely how big she could make those cracks in his façade. By the time she pulled back for air, he’d pulled her closer and she’d almost crawled into his lap. “That’s quite the kiss, Doc.” Carol’s voice came out breathy and bordering on a purr. “Whatever did you do to me?”

He smiled up at her before pressing his lips to her neck and up to her ear. “It’s magic, Carol.”

She gasped as his teeth grazed her neck. When she pulled back, her pupils were blown wide and her skin was flushed. “It’s quite the trick.”

He claimed her lips this time, a gentle press at first. She almost whimpered before he deepened the kiss, driving need through both of them. “Would you like to see it again?”

That wicked gleam filled her eyes again. “Careful, Stephen,” She laughed quietly and nibbled on her neck. “If I pay attention, I might just figure it out.”

character: stephen strange/dr. strange, fan fiction, fandom: avengers, character: carol danvers/ms. marvel, fandom: marvel, fanfic: prompt, fanfic: request

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