Fic: Worth the Risk

May 15, 2009 20:46

Title: Worth the Risk
Universe: 6941 (the Supervillainess Inc. Universe)
Characters/pairings: Kiera Colburn/Clint Barton, Johnny Storm
Warnings: M/F, oral, talk of threesomes and a threeway relationship
Disclaimer: Marvel owns the recognizable characters and the world this is set in. I do not make any claim on any of them. I make no money from this little endeavor.
Author's Note: THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A DRABBLE!!! *headdesk x100* Oh my god! Okay, so ladydeathfaerie gave me Kiera and Clint on my drabble meme (there is still a spot open and I swear to god I'm working on the other ones... I am. Really!). This is set after the events over at villainesshq and after The Season For Forgiveness and Happy New Year over on EFFN. Its the same continuity though... and there's more of it to come... eventually. *sigh* Ugh. Enjoy.

“Ugh.” She crossed her arms over her chest and checked her watch for the fifth time. “Who do I have to kill to get my coffee?” She had barely muttered the innocent enough phrase when she wished she hadn’t said it. It was innocent enough if one wasn’t a ‘reformed’ super villainess. If the wrong person heard her say something like that, well… things could get dicey, and dicey was the last thing she needed when she was trying to blend into the mindless hordes.

And speaking of mindless hordes… she rolled her eyes. She could feel someone trying to stare a hole between her shoulders… no, wait. They were staring significantly lower than her shoulders. Her frown deepened and she began speaking before she turned. “Want a closer lo…” she turned on her heel and stopped. “Oh god.” Her throat when dry and she bit her lip.

“I’ve had a closer look.” A smug grin crossed the starer’s face. “View’s still pretty damn good, though.”

“So what?” She tried to keep her voice from shaking. Of all the coffee shops in town, why’d he have to show up in this one? “You want a rematch?”

“I talked to Johnny the other day.” His eyes narrowed a little. “The thing you two have going, it’s for real this time?”


“And if he’d have kicked your ass out over Christmas…” He watched her bite her lip. “How far down the list was I?”

“Next in line, actually.”

“Always second place, huh?”

“A very close second… if that helps at all.”

He let out a low laugh and took a step closer to her. His hand touched her arm and her breath caught. His smile changed a little. Unless the person looking at him knew him intimately, as she did, they wouldn’t even notice the change. “What’d you do? Flip a coin?”

She finally smiled. “It’s easier to get into the Baxter Building.” She shrugged. “I didn’t feel like getting cut in half by a laser just for wanting to get laid.”

“Fair enough. So,” He chuckled, his hand moving idly up and down her arm. “Is it as good as you remembered it?” There was an edge to his voice, somewhere between sarcasm and curiosity.


“No?” His eyebrow rose.

“No.” She took a step toward him. “You aren’t there.”

He stared at her for a long moment, trying to figure out if she was actually serious. “That would change the dynamic a little.”

“More than a little.”

His eyes narrowed again. “Trying to reclaim your collection?” He stepped back, his hand falling away from her arm.

“What?” Confusion colored her expression for a moment before anger took its place. “You’re paranoid.”

“You locked me away on an island for months. Thinking you might try something like that again isn’t paranoia.”

“Fine!” Her cheeks flushed for a moment before she turned back toward the coffee bar. Still no coffee. Her foot twitched, wanting to tap out her impatience.

Finally the barista’s voice cut through the small space. “Extra hot, double shot latte.”

Kiera stepped up, grabbed the cup and pushed her way out into the street. A strong hand grabbed her arm when she’d barely made it half way down the block. She spun on her heel, shaking her arm free. “What? What do you want from me? You want an apology? Fine. I’m sorry. I’m sorry you think I’m some kind of monster. Is that good enough for you?” Her eyes narrowed and he noticed some real emotion there. Her ice princess routine wasn’t hold up very well, and her temper was getting the better of her. The only time he’d seen her crack like that before was… well… he’d never seen her crack while clothed.

“You drugged us, Kiera. Got what you wanted from all of us.”

“The drugs… right. Lucky you to have something to blame for everything. I wish I had that luxury.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Rose’s pheromones got a physical reaction from you. Physical. That’s it. I didn’t make you feel anything! That’s all you. But if you want to take back everything you told me, if you want to deny that. Fine. If you want to believe I manipulated you into all of it. Fine. If that’s what it takes to let you and your righteous anger sleep at night. That’s fabulous.” Her hand rested on her hips, tension threaded through nearly every muscle, as if she were expecting him to take a swing at her. “But I meant everything I said to you during all that. Everything. And I can’t blame some ‘mind control’ on any of it.”

He shook his head, trying to keep his mind on the point he was trying to make to her. “Do you have any idea how long it took to get all that shit out of everyone’s system?”

“And yet, here you are, following me down the street. Doesn’t that tell you anything?”

“What about Johnny?”

“What about him?” She tensed a little more.

“Like I said, we talked.”

“About me?”

“About everything.”

“Why would you…” she swallowed thickly as an idea, not an unpleasant idea, but one she hadn’t actually considered viable settled over her. “You don’t want to… try all that again… do you?” Her mind wandered and her control slipped. She frowned at the now ice cold coffee, throwing it in the nearby garbage can.

He shrugged. “Do you really want to talk about this out on the street?”


“Come on, there’s a café down a few blocks. I’ll buy you another coffee. You can even keep yelling at me, if that helps.”

She stared at him, skepticism running wild across her features, mingling with something else that he couldn’t quite put a name to. “Okay.” She sighed heavily and began walking with him. They didn’t start speaking again until they had sat down at an isolated table in the tiny café. “So, what did the two of you come up with?” She sipped her coffee casually, some of the tension slipping from her shoulders. Her eyebrow rose as she stared across the table. “I have to admit, I would have thought I’d be included in any conversation regarding my sex life.”

“This isn’t just about sex and you know it.”

Her cheeks flushed again. “So I’ll ask again. What did the two of you decide?” Her hands shook a little as she set the coffee mug down. Most people wouldn’t have noticed it.

He reached across the table and took one of her hands in his; stroking his thumb across the back of it. “Well first,” she lifted her head and met his gaze full on, “do you still want me?”

Her mouth hung open for a moment. “I… I told you I meant everything I said to you when….” She sighed, waving her free hand vaguely.

“Yeah, you meant it then. What about now?”

“You’re being very direct.”

“Do you want to dance around this, or do you want to figure it out?” He pulled out his wallet and threw a few bills on the table. “If you aren’t interested,” he made to stand and she gripped his hand a little tighter.

“No. I am. I…” she bit her lip. He knew it was a nervous habit. There was a subtle difference between when she did it for effect and when she was actually affected by something. A flat out confession about how she felt about him would definitely be something that would throw her off her game. “I still want you.”

He sat back down, not letting go of her hand. She looked like she was ready to bolt. “Do you think you can handle this without resorting to…?”

“Forcible confinement?”

“Yeah, actually.”

“I don’t know. Are you two going to have me on a schedule?” She had meant it as a joke, but realized belatedly that it might be a sore spot. From the look on his face, she had been right. She bit her lip again. “I’m sorry.” She was surprised how much she actually meant it. “I’m still working on this whole not being a bitch thing… turns out, I’m not very good at it.”

It took so long for him to start talking again that she was almost convinced he was going to get up and leave. “Actually… that’s not an entirely bad idea.” He smiled at her and the tension cracked a little.

“So basically I’d be dating both of you with the occasional overlap?”

“Yeah. Basically.”

She sighed, absolutely convinced that this was going to end spectacularly badly. “You’re sure about this?”

“We could call Johnny right now, if you want.”

“No, its 10am. He’s not even awake yet.” She chuckled a little, sipping her coffee again. “I’m a little surprised to find you out and about this early.” She smiled at him. He’d gotten glimpses of this woman on the island; the woman that Kiera would have been if her life hadn’t take such a strange turn; a turn that she had never actually explained to him. He liked her more than he’d admitted to his teammates after they’d been freed from Supervillianess Inc. The only one he’d actually said anything to about it was Johnny, and that was only because he knew the other man got it, that he’d seen it too. There was none of the frost she pulled around herself in front of her team, or her adversaries. She was surprisingly warm, funny and almost sweet. But he was also fully aware that all that could change in the blink of an eye.

“I’m on the coffee run.”

“Yikes. Better get back soon then. Tony will have your head on a pike if he doesn’t get his fix.” She finished her coffee and waved down the waitress for a refill.

“Still living on the island?”

“No.” She shook her head. “I’ve got a brownstone a little ways from here actually.”

“Thought you hated the city.”

“It’s better than a long distance relationship… or two.” She smiled again. “Absence makes my heart grow bored.”

He laughed. “Your heart? I didn’t think you admitted to having one.”

“Hey, you’re the one that said this wasn’t all about sex.” She shrugged, letting her gaze fall on her mug for a moment. “This is… nice, Clint.” She smiled, marveling how she could be so comfortable around him. It was the same with Johnny, though she’d never tell him that. It was the same feeling she got when she was with both of them; that she didn’t have to be ‘Chill’. She could just be a little closer to normal. She could almost forget that she and her team had held them both captive for months. She could almost admit that because of the two of them, the conscience she’d ignored for years had seen a little more light lately. That was enough to scare her off this idea. After all, developing a conscience now would seriously cut back on her ability to do her job. She sighed, rolling her mug between her hands. “Do you really think this can work?”

“Its got the same shot as some of the crazy shit I’ve done over the years.” He shrugged.

“Oh, that’s reassuring.”


“Have you really thought this through? I mean, sharing me was one thing when we were all right there, no one was running away, no one was working all that hard.”

“Speak for yourself.”

“Okay, but you know what I mean.”

“You’re right. It’s a potential minefield. I get that. But…”

“But what?”

“I think you’re worth the risk.” That made her lift her eyes to his. He was completely serious.

“And what happens if one half of this gets really serious?”

“We all sit down and renegotiate.”

“That simple?”

“Probably not.”

“Okay.” She took a deep breath. She knew, completely, flat out knew this wasn’t going to last. There was no way that it could. It was going to blow up huge in all of their faces. That was no reason to let the opportunity slip away from her. She stared at the money on the table for a moment. “Come on.” She stood, slinging her purse over her shoulder and pulling him up. They were out in the street before he reacted, pulling her back tight against him. She moaned softly, memories of him being pressed against her, inside her, welling up. “Clint…”

“Where’s this brownstone of yours?” He smiled, but his voice was darkened by something she knew well. He wanted her.

She went up on her tip toes, pressing her lips to his softly. “Just a few blocks away.” She grabbed his hand and led him in the right direction. She was surprised how quickly they got there. She fumbled with her keys before getting the door opened. A moment later she was pressed to the other side of it, legs wrapped around him, moaning softly as he claimed her lips. She smirked at him when he pulled back. “Planning on fucking me right here?”

“You’d just love that, wouldn’t you?” He nipped at her neck.

“Mmhmm.” She leaned in, kissing him again and grinding herself against him. She clung to him as he pulled her away from the door.

He glanced around the first floor for a moment. “Upstairs?”

She nodded. “Second door on the left.” A moment later he was up the stairs, and she was still in his arms. She let out a startled shriek a second before she landed on the bed. Her fingers went to the buttons on her shirt, slowly working them open and revealing a pale line of skin from her throat to the waist of her jeans. He crawled onto the bed and over her until his hands slipped under the fabric and over her breasts. She moaned softly, her head falling back and her eyes drifting closed. She fell back onto the mattress as his lips began to travel down the pale strip of skin, widening it slowly as he pushed the fabric of her shirt away from her. She tugged impatiently at the hem of his t-shirt. She lifted her head, sucking softly on his neck before she began to speak. “Clint, please. Don’t make me wait.”

He chuckled softly, claiming her lips again before pulling back and pulling the offending shirt off over his head. “When have I ever made you wait?”

In the back of her mind, a little voice pointed out that he’d made her beg that first time they were together. She thought better of bringing that up. All thought fled from her a moment later as his lips pressed just below her belly button and his hands moved over the fly of her jeans. Her fingers tangled in his hair until he moved out of reach, pulling her jeans down over her hips and past her knees until she could kick them off, then kissing slowly back up her thighs. She moaned, hands gripping the bedding as he pressed her thighs further apart. “God…” her hips lifted from the mattress, letting him pull her panties off with the same patience he’d shown with her jeans. She gasped when his lips finally pressed against her sex, and cried out when he drove his tongue between her folds, seeking out, and finding her clit. A string of half formed pleas, curses and affirmations left her lips as he sucked the tiny nub into his mouth.

His fingers circled her entrance for a moment before he slid them into her. Her body trembled, her breath coming in short, desperate gasps. “Clint…” she barely moaned his name a moment before her body tensed around his fingers, stealing her breath and her voice as she arched off the mattress.

He kissed his way slowly up her body as she started to relax a little. Her ankles locked against the small of his back as he settled over her, claiming her lips again. She had half a second to wonder when he’d gotten out of his jeans before he slowly pushed into her, wringing several low moans from her before he was buried as deep as he could get. A low moan left his lips a moment before he kissed her again. “God, Kiera…” He moved slowly, each long stroke sending sparks up her spine. Soft, keening sounds left her, spurring him on, his rhythm steadily speeding up. “I missed you.” His breath was hot against her neck.

“Oh god… I…” her nails dug into his shoulder as she trembled under him. “I missed you too.” She cried out, her back arching as he tapped the end of her. Her standard reaction to such a feeling made him smile. “Harder! Please…” she moaned as soon as she could get the breath to do it.

When her back arched again, he slipped his arms under her, pulling her up into his lap and driving hard into her. Her hips picked up the rhythm he’d set and her lips crashed into his. The kiss was hungry, like she hadn’t been able to tell him how much she had actually missed having him there with words, and the kiss was the only way to make him see. Had she been thinking clearly, that would have pretty much summed up the motivation.

She broke the kiss as she cried out, her body pulling tight. The only thing that kept her moving was his hands on her hips, and he slowed the pace considerably. She shivered as she kissed down her neck, sucking softly on her collarbone. She slumped into his arms, her breath leaving a chill on his skin as she gasped. “Oh god… Clint, please…” Her lips moved along his shoulder and up his neck. His hands rubbed slow circles across her back as her hips rocked against him. Soft, mewling sounds left her as she trembled in his arms.

He lowered her back down onto the mattress before driving into her again. She tensed and screamed, her nails digging into his back as she begged for more. The feel of her body clutching at him drove him closer to the edge. “Come on, baby.” His voice was barely a breath against her ear. “Come with me. I know you’re close, baby. Come on… come with me.” Her whole body shivered as he tapped the end of her again. That and his encouragement were enough to drive her over the edge, tightening around him and pulling him over with her.

He stayed inside her for a long as he could manage, pressing soft kisses to her lips until he slipped from her body. “Mmm… that’s one way to start the day.” She let out a bit of a laugh as he pulled her into his arms. “Though, it totally negates the caffeine.”

He chuckled lightly, kissing her softly on the top of her head. “Well, I guess I owe you another cup then.”

She rolled over slowly and stared up at him for a moment. “You really want to do this? This whole sharing thing?”

“Well, at this point if we don’t, I just fucked my buddy’s girlfriend… and I’m not nearly as comfortable with that as I am with you being with both of us.”

“So what you’re telling me is that you can play nice?” She smiled.

“I thought you didn’t like it when I played nice.” He wrapped his arms around her, lifting her over him until she straddled his waist. She leaned forward, resting her head on his shoulder.

“You know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean. And yes, I think we can make this work. I mean, you’re the one that gets all the relationship heavy lifting.” He shrugged a little. “As long as you avoid double booking, neither of us should have a problem.”

She bit back a smile. “I don’t know… I can think of a few times when double booking might be a good idea.”

A very male chuckle left his lips. “Aside from that.”

“You’re really okay with this?”

“How many more times do I have to say yes?”

She made a show of considering her answer. “At least one.”

“Yes, I’m really okay with this.” His lips found hers again. His hands rubbed circles along her back as he kissed her and she was starting to doze when the phone rang.

She let out a very unladylike grunt as she reached for the phone. “Hello?” She couldn’t actually keep the annoyance out of her voice.

“Hey, did I interrupt something?”

She smirked. “If you fly your ass over here, you could find out.”

“Actually, I need to talk to you about something.” Johnny’s voice dropped a little. “And I’m not sure how you’re going to…”

She figured she’d sidestep whatever awkward segue he had planned and make the whole conversation a little easier on him. “I ran into Clint this morning.” She smiled down at the man in question. “Say hi, Clint.”

There was an over dramatic rolling of eyes. “Hi, Johnny.”

The silence hung on the line for longer than she thought it would until he chuckled. “Is that what I interrupted?”

“No.” She just barely stopped herself from making some kind of comment that would cause her more trouble than it would be worth.

“But you’re still in bed, right?” She could actually hear him smirking on the other end of the line.

“Come over and find out.”

His laugh sent shivers that she couldn’t quite suppress down her spine. “We do have to talk about all this. Seriously.”

“Seriously, that’ll be a hell of a lot easier once you get here.” She grinned at the phone.

“I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

character: original, fan fiction, title: supervillainess inc (fic), fandom: marvel, character: clint barton/hawkeye/ronin, character: johnny storm/human torch

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