My iPod Rules my Sues...

Jan 13, 2009 20:13

Okay, so I kinda cheated this time. I've been working on these for ages, and I did follow the "Let the song play three times" rule, but I kind of let myself work on them as a song hit me. So it's not really the randomness of the other MP3 fics, but *shrug* Such is life.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the canon characters in this, and really I only own two fo the Sues. I do not make any money from this, and I do not claim any of this to be part of the Mary Sue or Mutant Sue continuity (but if Gin wants to take it that way, I'm all for it! ;)).

So these are centred around the Mary Sue Virus (the Harry Potter one, of course) and ginevrasm's Mutant Sue Virus (followed closely by my Invasion: MSV... *blush*)Which means, THERE BE OFCs IN HERE!! There may also be a spoiler or two in here for those fics, but honestly, I think everything in here is covered by what's been posted so... on with the Sue Drabbles!

Mockingbird by Eminem (Johnny/Haley)

He was pacing through their room. The Blackbird had gone down. The words still hadn’t sunk in. Not really. It had taken the good part of a half hour for Sue to talk him out of flying straight out the window to go look for her. Ben and Reed had gone to help out, but Sue insisted he stay behind with her and the kids. Her words were still ringing in his head hours later. Your son needs you here if they don’t find Haley. “Daddy?” He turned, gazing into eyes so like his own. “Where’s Mommy?”

How do you tell a three year old that his mother might be… no, he couldn’t think it. They’d find her. They had to. “She’s working, kiddo.” He swept the child up into his arms, ruffling soft strawberry blond hair.

“For how long?”

“I don’t know, Spence.” He held the sleepy boy in his arms, trying to fight back the need to scream and rage at the injustice of it all. A beautiful little boy would have to grow up without his mother because some bigoted moron didn’t like mutants, or didn’t understand that the team was there to help, or both. It could have happened to either of them of course, but he’d tried to pretend that it never would. She’d be there with their son when he got home. He’d known it. Now…

The ringing of the phone made him jump. Moment of truth. He hesitated before picking up the line. “Hello?”

“Johnny?” He visibly slumped at the sound of her voice. “I’m okay.”


Spencer got the phone away from his father. “Mommy? Daddy misses you!”

He heard his mother chuckle lightly. “I know, baby. Put Daddy back on the phone please.”

Wicked Games by Chris Issac (Draco/Rowena)

“You know your parents are in the other room!” Rowena wiggled out from the wall where Draco had pinned her.

“If you’re quiet, they’ll never know.” A wicked grin crept over his face that even the dark of the bedroom. His hand crept up under her robes, brushing against her sex. She gasped. “Shh… don’t want them to come barging in here, do you?”

She shook her head, eyes falling closed as his fingers delved deeper. She shivered. He knew what he was doing to her, he had to. Light circles were traced around her clit for a moment before he slipped two dexterous fingers into her. She bit back a moan, falling back against the wall with a soft thud.

“Draco? Is everything alright, dear?”

“Yes, Mother.” He landed a scorching glare on Rowena and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “You had better be naked when I get back.”

“You’re evil.” She smiled up at him.

“And you love it.”

Over You by Daughtry (Haley, Piotr)

She stood on the dock. Had she been alone, she might have gotten a little sentimental. But she wasn’t, and her company was not going to let her drift to the old days. “Mom, look!” A stone went skipping along the surface of the lake and she smiled.

“I did not think you’d be out here.” She tensed for a moment.

“Well, he wanted to see the lake.” She turned to face the man on the shore. “I hear congratulations are in order.”

His cheeks flushed a little. “Apparently it has been a long time coming. Or so I have been told.”

She smiled. “You always were a little dense when it came to the ladies, Piotr.” They stared at each other for a long moment. “Kitty’s a lucky woman.” She glanced back at her son.

“Johnny is a lucky man.” He smiled back at her.

“Does that mean we’re invited to the wedding?” She laughed a little. She wasn’t sure she wanted the invite anyway.

Don’t Forget About Us by Mariah Carey (Oliver/Azalea)

She sighed heavily. This was the absolute last time she let her mother set her up on a blind date. Who takes someone to a quidditch match on a blind date anyway? The guy must be a total moron. She sighed again as she walked beside this particular total moron. He was talking about something, she probably should be paying attention, but she continued to pout, throwing in the occasional ‘oh?’ or affirmative hum to make it seem like she was paying attention.

Her mother had insisted that she do this. ‘Find yourself a good pureblood boy and settle down, dear’. Yeah, right. Okay. She couldn’t believe that her parents were still so clueless. Did they really still believe that she had to find a good pureblood boy? Merlin! She was getting tired of it. “Your brother plays, doesn’t he?”

“He used to.” She nodded. So he was talking about quidditch. Wonderful. She hadn’t had enough of that in her life. “He retired last year.”

“Oh, what’s he doing now?”

“He’s writing for the Prophet.” Idiot. This guy was a complete idiot. Didn’t he read the papers? She fought back the urge to roll her eyes. “Who’s playing tonight?”

“The Cannons and Puddlemere.” She nearly stopped walked. This was just getting better and better.

The game was good. Or so someone would tell her later. She was having trouble focusing on the game itself. Her gaze kept falling on Puddlemere’s keeper. “Want to go down and see some of the players?”

Right… her date. She’d almost completely blocked him out. “Sure.”

Her throat clenched a little at first. A few of the chasers asked her about Alec, she smiled and promised to give him their best. She could feel a pair of eyes flicking between a spot between her shoulder blades and the fans around him. Her date was long gone, chatting with a few other fans about strategy and such when the keeper made his way to her.

“Lea,” He smiled, and she couldn’t stop herself from smiling back.

“Hi, Oliver.”

Waking Up in Vegas by Katy Perry (Remy/Morgan)

Morgan rolled over slowly, pausing to let her head stop spinning. That was it. No more bourbon… ever. She groaned as collapsed forward, her left hand landing on Remy’s still unconscious form. He was out cold… wow; they must have had more than she thought. The whole night was a blur. She had a vague recollection of… Elvis? Must have been a dream.

She finally managed to sit up and look around the posh hotel room. Or it would have been posh if they hadn’t trashed it… had they trashed it? She couldn’t remember. She reached over the end of the bed, struggling to find some kind of clothing she could throw on. When she looked at her hand, her jaw dropped. “Remy?” She kicked him and he grunted. “Remy, get up!”

“What is it, chere?” He didn’t lift his head from the pillow.

“What do you remember about last night?”

He sat up, a little unsteady. “Not much.” He yawned. “Why?”

She held up her left hand, displaying a simple gold band on her ring finger. His eyes got wide for a moment. “Do you remember it?”

“Non…” He watched her slump. “Jus’ mean we ‘ave a ‘ell of a party when we get ‘ome, Chere.”

She turned and stared at him, really stared at him for several minutes. “You… you want to…?”

“Prefer it if I could remember it, Chere, but yeah.” He smiled and pulled her down next to him, wrapping his arms around her. “Now, go back to sleep so we can enjoy our ‘oneymoon.”

She couldn’t help but laugh. “Can we have a real wedding at some point?” He nodded. “Good… I don’t want to tell people we got married by Elvis in the Chapel o’ Love.”

A Change Would Do You Good by Sheryl Crow (Morgan, Dare)

“Dare, you’re being stupid.”

“I’m not putting that on.” Dare crossed her arms and glared down at Morgan and the lavender colored blouse she held.

“Do I need to call Logan and tell him you aren’t cooperating?”

“Oh, I’ll cooperate if you stop trying to dress me like an Easter egg.”

“You’re a mom now. Time to grow out of the death garb, don’t you think?” Morgan raised an eyebrow at her.

“I don’t see you giving up the mini skirts.”

“I gave up the mid drifts.”

“Just until you get the tummy tone back though.”

“That’s not the point.” Morgan blushed a little and sighed. “Okay… so no lavender.”

“Or pink. Or anything pastel.”

“Fine. We could raid Haley’s closet and find you something blue?”

Rehab by Rihanna (Haley)
“Just one more?” Morgan looked hopefully at the other girls. Roxxy sighed heavily and looked to Haley.

“Okay, one more.” The smallest of them looked happy with their leader’s answer. “If I try on one more pair of shoes I think my brain is going to leave me behind.” Haley leaned into her best friend a little before stepping out into the cold of a New York February again.

“It could be worse.” Roxxy smiled and hurried to catch up to Morgan. “Why don’t you go get us a table at that little café we saw earlier? We’ll meet you there.” Roxxy called back.

Haley sighed and waved, indicating that she heard and agreed. She shoved her hands in her pockets thinking suddenly that wandering the streets on her own might not have been such a good idea. She pulled her shoulders up, trying to fend off the wind. She hadn’t bought anything on this trip into the city. She didn’t need anything, and in fact she’d fought tooth and nail to stay behind. But to admit why she didn’t want to go into the city wouldn’t really look good at this point. She had Piotr now after all. No need to let herself linger on… other things. She nearly laughed at herself before the little voice in the back of her head that had been popping up more and more lately made itself heard. Fucking hypocrite.

She walked past the café without really stopping. She had plenty of time to kill before Morgan gave up her quest for the perfect pair of shoes, even if Roxxy managed to drag her away before the quest was complete. She let her feet carry her for several blocks before she realized where she was heading. She shook her head and looked up, noting the crowd outside the building. And then there he was. She froze. If he saw her… if she could just tell him…

She turned on her heel and walked quickly back toward the café. No, she told herself again, I can’t do it. I made my choice. She turned up her collar and walked a little faster. She had to get away. If he saw her, if he spoke to her she wouldn’t be able to leave again. And then what would you tell your new boyfriend? No, it was too soon. She couldn’t handle seeing him yet…. Not yet.

She settled in a small booth near the back of the café. She had only taken a few sips of her coffee and made her hands stop shaking before the girls came through the door. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost!” Morgan pulled her coat off and settled in beside Haley.

She didn’t have the nerve to tell her friends how close Morgan was to the truth. One day she’d be strong enough not to go near the Baxter Building. One day… one day she might even be strong enough to see him without wanting him again.

Count on Me by Default (George/Hyacinth)

She walked slowly up the stair. Azkaban… she shivered. How could she possibly believe that her father, even with all he’d done during the war was bad enough to end up there? She pushed on the door to the apartment and took off her coat and boots. “Cin?” She lifted her head and watched her fiancé come toward her. “How’d it go?”

“It…” She couldn’t finish the sentence. Sure, her contact with her family had been minimal in the last year or so since the second Death Eater uprising, but… “Guilty.” She frowned at the word.

She half expected him to tell her that the man deserved it; that he’d made his own bed and had to sleep in it. She had braced herself for that all the way home from the Ministry. In fact, she had been subconsciously preparing herself for it since her father had been arrested. George came from a family of war heroes. Every last one of them had risked everything during the battle for Hogwarts and after that until the last of the darkness in their world had been brought to light. How could he possibly understand how it felt to know you had been born into that darkness, even if you had escaped it all?

The trial had taken a long time to get to… so many people had been arrested, after all. “I’m sorry, Cin.” Before she could say anything, before even the words had completely left his lips, he pulled her into his arms.

“It’s okay… I knew…”

“He’s still your father. That can’t be easy.” He stroked her hair. “I love you.” He whispered the words in her ear.

“Why?” She shook her head and pulled back. “How can you…?” She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “I heard the things he was accused of, George. My god, how can you love someone who came from… that?”

“Hyacinth, I love you more because you came from that.” She frowned at him. “You are a wonderful woman and became that way without the benefit of a good example.”


“No,” He kissed her again. “No buts. I love you.” He pulled her close again. “And we’ll get through this.”

“Thank you.” She finally sighed and relaxed against him, resting her head on his chest. “And I love you too.”

One of the Boys by Katy Perry (very Pre-Haley/Johnny lol)

“Hey kiddo!” Harper tossed her baseball glove at her. “We’re short a second baseman, come on.”

“No.” She tossed the glove back at him and turned her attention back to the magazine in front of her.

“No?” He actually chuckled. “Why not? You love baseball.”

“I don’t want to.” She turned a page, hoping to cover the sudden flush on her cheeks. “I’m reading.”

“Yeah I can see that.” He reached down to look at the magazine. “Seventeen? Seriously?” he looked at her for a long moment, trying to decide what he thought of this shocking new development. He shrugged. She was fourteen now… she was still a kid as far as he was concerned, but he supposed that wouldn’t last much longer. “Aw, is my baby sister growing up?” Harper laughed and rumpled her hair. She scowled and tried to fix it. “I don’t think she’s coming.” Her brother called over to the small group waiting for her decision. She looked over his shoulder and her cheeks turned several shades darker when she saw who had been elected to help Harper convince her.

“Why not?” Her throat went dry. “What’s up, rug rat?” Johnny tossed the baseball at her. She caught it just before it would have connected with the side of her head. She threw it back at him a little harder than she had to.

“N-nothing.” She went back to her magazine, kicking her legs idly behind her. She silently cursed herself for letting herself stutter. “I just don’t want to play.” She managed to pull off a casual shrug.

Johnny looked at Harper for a moment, then back at Haley. She was nearly as tall as her brother now. That was no surprise. She had always been tall. Was it just his imagination or was she starting to fill out a little? Harper smacked his shoulder and he caught a dark look from his friend. “Okay, kid. If you’re sure you don’t wanna play.”

She lifted her eyes from the pages for a moment and stared at him. He watched her cheeks flush again. “Yeah… yeah, I’m sure.”

“Okay, have fun.” He smiled at her and turned back to the guys.


“Yeah?” He turned to Harper as they headed off in the direction of the baseball diamond.

“Look at my sister like that again and I’ll kick your ass.”

Piece of Me by Britney Spears (Warren/Jehnna)

She took a deep breath. “Do we really have to do this?”

“Well,” He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her tight against him. “We could go out the back, but they’ll be worse if they catch up with us there than if we just go out front and deal with it.” His voice held a tone that made her believe him.

“Okay,” She took another deep breath. Now wasn’t the time to lose control of her powers after all and if she got too flustered, she was sure that would be what would happen. “Okay, let’s do it then.”

“You sure?” He looked down at her, blue eyes clouded a little by the concern in them. “This can get ugly.”

“Warren, I’m not going to be able to hide from them forever.” Jehnna’s face was a mask of resolve. “Might as well just get it over with.”

“You are a brave woman, Jehnna D’abo.” He kissed her cheek softly before pushing the door to the restaurant open.

The flashbulbs were blinding, as was the wave of sound of reporters and photographers yelling at them. She resisted the urge to lift her hand and shield herself from the light. Several questions hit her at once.

“What’s your name?”

“Are you two an item?”

“How do you know each other?”

Warren handled the questions with a skill that he’d obviously had to develop over the years. She clung to his arm and tried her best to look comfortable in the maelstrom and keeping her mouth shut. She was about ready to fall over when they got into the limo.

“That was…”

“Insane. I know.” He pulled her closer. “I’d like to say you’ll get used to it, but, honestly…”

“You seemed to do alright.”


“That’s what I figured.” She rested her head on his shoulder and fell asleep before they got back to the institute.

The next morning saw her half way through her cereal before Haley showed up at the table with a grin on her face. Jehnna looked confused until the redhead threw a copy of the Pulse onto the table. There she was on the cover with Warren. The headline was simple and to the point. Worthington’s Woman of Mystery. “You’re famous, hun!” Haley laughed lightly.

“Oh my god.” Jehnna wanted to hide in her cereal bowl.

So there we have it. I should really be working on something a little more pressing than this...

character: remy lebeau/gambit, fan fiction, character: warren worthington/angel, fandom: marvel, character: draco malfoy, title: mary sue virus (fic), character: johnny storm/human torch, character: george weasley, challenge: drabble, title: mutant sue virus (fic), fandom: harry potter, character: piotr rasputin/colossus, character: oliver wood

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