ANOTHER new fic *cries*

Jul 30, 2006 16:04

Title: Foreign Interruptions
Parings: Vam, Bam/???
Rating: PG-13 I think…
Disclaimer: don’t own shit
Summary: Bam follows HIM on tour to Japan where he meets someone new, what ever will happen?

*Bam’s POV*

I see him from across the room. I’m immediately interested, which makes me feel horrible since my lover is sitting right next to me. Maybe if I say I’m going to get more beer I can get away and see this guy closer, he’s probably not as pretty close up. Yeah, I’ll get a closer look. That’s not cheating at all… I think.

“Urm Vil, Imma go get more to drink, ya want anything?” I ask getting up slowly and stretching. Maybe the guy will look over here. Shit he didn’t.

“Okay Bammie, and no thanks, got a beer here. I’ll be fine for a little while.” Shit, it kills me when he calls me ‘Bammie’. Especially when I’m about to go check out another guy. Shit.

I’ll just walk slowly over and get a better look at his tattoos. Yeah, that’s exactly what I’ll do. Shit, look at those fuckers! He has a million of ‘em.

“Excuse me… Ummm.” Oh shit. He noticed me staring. I know my face is red now. Shit.

“Ummm. Hi, I’m Bam, Bam Margera. I was just looking at your tattoos.” I say sticking out my hand.

“Huh?” Oh yeah, he maaaay not speak English. That might be a bit of a problem. Oh here comes someone, maybe they can translate.

“Sorry, urm can you translate for us?” I ask a man who walked up beside the tattooed beauty.

“That’s what I am here for.” He says.

“Good, just tell him that my name is Bam and that I was just looking at his tattoos. I didn’t mean to stare.” I say looking back to him, he has very pretty eyes. His hair is pretty cool too. Finally! Eye contact.

He says something in Japanese, and then the translator looks back at me and starts speaking, but I just can’t look away from his eyes. “He says that’s okay that he usually gets looks for his tattoos. His name is Miyavi, and he says it’s nice to meet you.” The man says.

“Nice to meet you too Miyavi, do you speak any English?” I ask hoping that we can have some sort of conversation without the translator.

“I…I know little English? I have friend who speak English.” He says nodding. I smile and wave my hand at the translator. He warns me to just speak simply to him.

I walk over to him and start looking closer at his tattoos, I don’t think a one of them have color to them. “They’re amazing.” I say. I hope he gets the sentence.

“Amazing?” Nope, he didn’t.

“Urm… They are lovely?” I say hoping he understands that.

“Thank you.” He says smiling. He’s got a beautiful smile.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I know its Ville. He was probably watching this whole thing, seeing me smile at Miyavi, and seeing me flirt. Shit. Double shit.

“Hey Vil, this is Miyavi.” I say turning out of Ville’s grasp, I hope he thinks it’s just because of the whole ‘our relationship is a secret’ thing.

“Hello.” I hear Ville say.

“Hi.” Miyavi replies, I think he can tell there’s something between Ville and I, but he’s smiling anyway.

“Would you like to come have a drink with us?” Ville asks Miyavi.

He furrows his eyebrows and looks at me. “Urm… Come sit with us? Buy you a drink?” I try to make it as simple as possible.

“Ahhhh. Yes.” He says and follows us to our seats. I sit down next to Ville and Miyavi sits right next to me, his thigh touching mine. Shit. God he’s hot.

“What would you boys like to drink?” A waitress asks, walking up to us. Everyone gives their order and I guess Miyavi caught the word ‘drink’ because he ordered very quickly. She nods and walks away to place our orders.

Shit this is gonna be a long night.

**Two hours later**

Shit, Ville’s drunk and has his hand on my leg under the table, and Miyavi keeps looking at me like he’s gonna jump me any second. I don’t know what the fuck to do. Would Ville go for a three-some? I look over and Ville is smiling at me. He winks. I don’t know if that means he knows what I’m thinking or not. I lean in to whisper it in his ear when a blonde girl walks up. She’s kinda cute. Must be a fan.

She says something in Japanese looking at Miyavi. He looks down like he’s sad then stands up. “I have go.” He says, reaching out his hand to shake mine. I smile and shake his hand.

“Sorry, but Miyavi here has to get up EARLY tomorrow, hangover free to record. Very sorry. Oh shit, wait! You’re Bam from Jackass right?” She asks. I smile.

“Hells yeah, and this is the band HIM, Ville, Midge and Linde… Well MOST of the band HIM.” I say laughing. “Urm… is there anyway that we can get in contact with him sometime soon? We’ll only be in Japan for a while since I’m on tour with them, but like if we come back or something?” I ask her, I’m guessing she’s from the U.S. Sounds like she’s from New York.

“Urm… I don’t know, you can try. Here just call this number when ya want to talk to ‘em. But we have to go now. Say good bye Miyavi.” She said while writing a phone number on my hand.

“Good bye Miyavi?” He says laughing.

The girl rolls her eyes and pulls him off, waving at us from the door. I snuggle back down into the seat to realize that Ville’s not there any more. Shit, I just really fucked up.

A/N: *evil laugh* Don’t ask me where this came from, but I DO know it’s true that at ONE point Myv met Bam AND Ville at a bar one time… But they had to have the translator the whole time, but Bam DID keep eye contact with Myv the WHOLE time. *laughs* and the girl in the fic is Sheena, but if I write more on this I will probably call her Stevie since that’s her nick name…I hope this was liked and I’ll try to write more of SOMETHING soon… *hugs and vammie cookies to all*

vam, fi

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