Title: The Marvelous Misadventures of Tre Cool (Hotel Edition)
Author: greendazed1218/ Whatshername/ Lindze
Pairing: OT3 (implied at least)
Rating: PG (pretty much just cute funny fluff)
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the computer I'm writing with... And my mind, that comes up with these ideas...
Tour Bus Bathroom Edition (
Hotel Edition )
Comments 5
They got the WHOLE hotel high!? That is fucking priceless! Totally, totally worthy of Tré! Nice idea right there! I also found it really amusing that the management was right outside their room and they got a shitload of weed just sitting there. Funny image trying to picture their faces as so nearly being busted for that!
*is grinning like an idiot*
loved it.
This reminds me of when I stayed at Pratt (an art college in New York) this past July, and the fifth floor was the only floor with vents in the bathroom (which was where my room was), and my roommate and I would blow the exhaled smoke into the vents so it wouldn't smell. But we went outside later, and there was a faint smell of pot here and there... hee hee. I guess the vents lead directly to outside.
its so Tre, its not even funny.
well, okay, its not funny,
because its hilarious! -breathes-
love the Marvelous Misadventures!
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