Counting in Italian

Jun 22, 2024 23:12

Woke up at 6:30 AM. It’ll do. Fed the catlings. Mimi said, “I’m hungry!” Zara twirled when I fed her.

I need to pull myself together and go get my meds today.

I’m lying down for a nap. I’m explaining to Zara that I don’t want her tail in my face. Napped. Zara is asleep on top of the books that I have on the bed (a couple of gardening books).

85F ( Read more... )

sleep, weather, lj, italian, mimi, zara, errands, jamie, cats

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Comments 1

ragnarok_08 June 23 2024, 15:09:34 UTC

Goodness, that sounded like a close call re: passing out at the bar in Toronto.


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