Tired Day

Nov 05, 2022 22:12

Woke up around 8:30 AM to darkness and a forecast of rain showers. Got up to feed hungry cats and eat breakfast. I'm planning to take a long nap after breakfast. Last night, I was calling the girls because I wanted kitty snuggles, but they didn't come. This morning, I woke up to both of them staring at me.

Zara is hanging out on my lap.

The ( Read more... )

sleep, italian, mimi, zara, mom, money, auntie a, lincoln college, cats, garden

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Comments 2

ragnarok_08 November 6 2022, 17:39:13 UTC
Yup, I've been having those tired days too.


fauxklore November 7 2022, 23:32:38 UTC
Thanks for the link to the WaPo article. Interesting and sad.


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