i'll steal you from the year 4000

Jun 11, 2007 17:52

I'm celebrating having enough memory to finally, you know, use Photoshop for more than 10 minutes. I think that I may have gone overboard, however.

I feel like I'm having a Who renaissance, even though I have yet to, um, talk about Series 3. Whoops?

DOCTOR WHO PICSPAM: some pretty Ten-and-Rose things, not because I miss Rose all that particularly, or because I think Martha isn't as good, but just because I Think That They Are Pretty )

doctor who, picspam

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Comments 1

eolivet June 12 2007, 14:17:14 UTC
Gorgeous, gorgeous picspam...wow! :D Makes me forget how I wasn't a huge fan of S2. ;p

Thank you for posting -- it actually makes me excited to see S3, believe it or not. :D Without spoiling anything, are you enjoying it? :)


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