If you are Rose Tyler, how is God's name do you restrain yourself when you're all alone with the Doctor in the TARDIS? LIKE SERIOUSLY JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ SO AMAZING.
But, you know, am I the only one who thinks Sam sort of seemed like a bit of an asshole?
I thought so too! Of course i was like "YAY SAM!", but at the same time i was disappointed because he seemed rather standoffish. :/ I just kept thinking during his first conversation with Josh that he looked so SNOOTY. Then again, i did love him telling Josh to get his act together, and the awkward moment of meeting Santos. (hee!)
Do you think Sam and Ainsley are going to meet again? Because i... i wish they would. SAMANDAINSLEY. SOB.
JOSHANDDONNA! Oh JoshandDonna. I enjoy watching them kiss. IT IS QUITE ENJOYABLE! DID YOU KNOW!
Fuck, I can't believe I am ACTIVELY WATCHING AND COMMENTING ON West Wing again. See, you give a girl a little RST and she CAN'T RESIST.
I do believe that's the attitude of my entire friends list. Myself included. Honestly, before Josh and Donna making out, i don't remember the last time i watched a new episode. I miss the old days so much.
The last episode I watched, Donna got blown up. So, you know, things are slightly different now and I honestly only know about half of the character's names.
I REALLY WANT SAM AND AINSLEY TO GET MARRIED, TOO. Except if she's really working at that DC thinktank like I think she mentioned last week, it's not her either! DAMMIT. My only three possibilities were Laurie, Mallory, and Ainsley, and now none of those work! I will not accept Sam marrying Random Female Character #47.
Also, you do realize that at some point someone's going to notice that Donna's not in DC anymore. And then she'll come back with a tan (or, err, maybe, if she actually, umm.... makes it out of the hotel room, omg!!). THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN.
It's sad, too, because you know that the way to tell a core of oldschool TWW fandom has disappeared into the ether is the fact that the Internets is still intact after a remark like that. LE SIGH.
I haven't watched the episode yet in full, just skimmed to the parts with Josh and Donna and KISSING. Because, uh, HELLO. They're pretty! And kissing! Making sweet love! With kissing!
*wants screencaps*
Vinick as VP is the stupidest, most politically implausible thing I HAVE EVER HEARD OF. It's like the 4th grade all over again. WHY OH WHY would you ever get your RIVAL as your VP? Sigh.
Comments 11
DT's facial expressions.
Rose the feral child. Smacking his belly in amusement at her own jokes. Their GLEEEful jumping when they're like, "OMG werewolf YAY!"
The great big buckets of hubris!
Um. Also. The wall with his tongue.
That is all.
"Please excuse this naked child."
I thought so too! Of course i was like "YAY SAM!", but at the same time i was disappointed because he seemed rather standoffish. :/ I just kept thinking during his first conversation with Josh that he looked so SNOOTY. Then again, i did love him telling Josh to get his act together, and the awkward moment of meeting Santos. (hee!)
Do you think Sam and Ainsley are going to meet again? Because i... i wish they would. SAMANDAINSLEY. SOB.
JOSHANDDONNA! Oh JoshandDonna. I enjoy watching them kiss. IT IS QUITE ENJOYABLE! DID YOU KNOW!
Fuck, I can't believe I am ACTIVELY WATCHING AND COMMENTING ON West Wing again. See, you give a girl a little RST and she CAN'T RESIST.
I do believe that's the attitude of my entire friends list. Myself included. Honestly, before Josh and Donna making out, i don't remember the last time i watched a new episode. I miss the old days so much.
I REALLY WANT SAM AND AINSLEY TO GET MARRIED, TOO. Except if she's really working at that DC thinktank like I think she mentioned last week, it's not her either! DAMMIT. My only three possibilities were Laurie, Mallory, and Ainsley, and now none of those work! I will not accept Sam marrying Random Female Character #47.
Also, you do realize that at some point someone's going to notice that Donna's not in DC anymore. And then she'll come back with a tan (or, err, maybe, if she actually, umm.... makes it out of the hotel room, omg!!). THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN.
I about dance-of-squeed off my chair at that point.
*wants screencaps*
Vinick as VP is the stupidest, most politically implausible thing I HAVE EVER HEARD OF.
It's like the 4th grade all over again. WHY OH WHY would you ever get your RIVAL as your VP? Sigh.
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