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Comments 13

dabhug May 14 2010, 19:54:56 UTC
People who actually thought the Gravedigger might not be found guilty: please never speak to me again, COME ON.

Well... Okay.... But I'll miss you a lot.

I SWEAR, there for just half a second, I thought she wasn't going to be found guilty and I thought that would set us up for Brennan's wanting out. Because how can you believe in the justice system when something like that happens?

I don't know, I'm anxious.


daygloparker May 14 2010, 20:05:57 UTC
Except that then if Taffett was found not guilty and Brennan pulled away because of it, it would just be another in a long line of really awful yet compellingly convenient reasons for why she can't trust people and relationships! Because I think what they're setting up is the fact that, when it comes to admitting what she wants out from her connection to Booth, Brennan is her own worst enemy. All that nonsense about BEING AN UNCHANGEABLE SCIENTIST and SADNESS and EMOTIONS - they are really, really well-practiced and good excuses that hereto no one has had the balls to check them? Basically? I half-to-75%-think that she has no earthly idea why Booth hasn't run away from her yet after the 100th (because isn't that what people do around her? they run away, because she's weird).


/i think about this stuff waaaayyyyyyy too much


dabhug May 14 2010, 20:09:43 UTC
Oh, yes, I too think she has no idea why Booth hasn't run away from her. I agree with you.

Excellent use of title, by the way. Now I've got that song in my head and the only thing left to do is PLAY IT.


daygloparker May 14 2010, 21:22:40 UTC
It's my goal to make a terrible pop music joke about virtually any Bones episode - I don't think I've managed to work in the Gaga yet (I don't think?), BUT OH IT IS COMING. I blame that time I mainlined the newest Britney at the same time Booth & Brennan were at the circus.


drphungus May 14 2010, 20:50:44 UTC
YES to all of this! And on a superficial note, Cam's dress? WHOAmygod. She has the best wardrobe. So beautiful. Yet so sad. Poor Cam and Baby Duck. They can't all jump ship on them!

And aw, poor Rhonnie. She does have evil down, though. I keep thinking Daniels is going to jump through that which is the Fringe/Bones barrier and take her back to Baltimore and remind her that if she's going to kill anyone, it should probably be McNulty.


makd May 14 2010, 21:01:52 UTC
And aw, poor Rhonnie. She does have evil down, though. I keep thinking Daniels is going to jump through that which is the Fringe/Bones barrier and take her back to Baltimore and remind her that if she's going to kill anyone, it should probably be McNulty.



daygloparker May 14 2010, 21:18:31 UTC
(Even though my actual sartorial choices trend more to Angela - HOLY CRAP, Cam has my fantasy work wardrobe. I want to be that bad ass and in charge, oh gosh.)

HAHAHA. I don't even watch Fringe, but every time I hear mention of a hypothetical Fringe/Bones crossover, this is exactly what I keep think of. Spoiler alert: actually McNulty didn't fake kill those homeless men in the last season. IT WAS THE GRAVEDIGGER.


drphungus May 14 2010, 22:25:02 UTC

Seriously, though, how does Cam afford those dresses? The Jeff must pay some real BANK.

And if they do a crossover, I think we need some Joshua Jackson action. Maybe Dawson is murdered and we have to find out how? Hmm.


luxamnesiac May 15 2010, 06:30:06 UTC
okay so it's 2:30 am. i have to wake up for a wedding on the other side of the bay tomorrow. i had 4 large glasses of wine, probably the equivalent of a normal bottle....

I DID NOT LIKE HOW THIS ENDED. I mean it was happy, but not happy at the same time? how am i supposed to sleep now, bones? wtf. sigh.


daygloparker May 15 2010, 13:42:59 UTC
Love you, darling!

I DID NOT LIKE HOW IT ENDED EITHER, emotionally. Like, I didn't like it in that heartcrushed-but-sorta-loving-it way? Next week! Maybe Bones will try to run away and Booth will finally- finally- FINALLY just be all, "All right, ENOUGH WITH THIS. DON'T THINK, JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT, FULL STOP" aaaaaaaand then they have amazing sex all over his apartment? ngl, that would be great.


torigates May 15 2010, 15:41:08 UTC
I am probably the only person on Earth who looks at the prospect that Brennan maybe wants to quit murder-solving as something that is awesome, but I do.

ME TOO! I think it's really necessary for their relationship, and I really want to see what they'll do not as partners. I mean, I'm most of that will happen over summer hiatus and we'll just jump back in next season with them working together again (after maaaaybe one episode or two), but STILL. Also, I want all the secrets to come out too. FOR OUR SANITY.

ALSO. Please write Cam fic!!!


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