I feel like this is a Bad Wolf situation up in here.

Jun 10, 2009 22:10

I have rewatched Ashes to Ashes 2x08 several times, and, um. YEAH. I'm sure loads of other people have noticed this already, but oh my goodness, you do not even know. (Plus, whatever, pics or it didn't happen, right? I have yet to see pics, as far as I'm concerned.) (This probably means I'm not paying attention. I do not care.)

ashes to ashes - 2x08 [NOW WITH PICS] )

ashes to ashes

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Comments 10

ohvienna June 11 2009, 02:51:47 UTC
My favorite is the little one of those on her pen/pencil holder on her desk. ATTENTION TO DETAIL, SHOW. FOR REAL SERIOUS POINTS.

There are literally...bajillions of these things. [Yes, that's exactly how many.]

Can I also mention how in that last pic you got a bit of In the Night Garden... on the TV? Because of how that program (contemporary CBeebies show) is described thus: "In the Night Garden is best described as a modern televisual interpretation of a nursery rhyme picture book. It is about a magical place that exists between waking and sleeping..." And show started with Jackanory and picture book and all the children's tv throughout this series and then they did this in her fake 2008 and yes.



daygloparker June 11 2009, 03:28:27 UTC
As if I needed to convincing to re-watch this season, oh my goodness!

But seriously - I've watched it a few times, and I remain 99% convinced that Alex has woken up in fake 2008! She's in a coma in 1982... while in a coma in 2008! Burrowing deeper and deeper into psychosis! I LOVE THIS SHOW. Also: this is exactly why, prior to this show, um, existing... I was never 100% convinced that Sam Tyler had woken up in real 2007 at the end of Life on Mars. IT'S ALMOST AS IF THEY ARE PLAYING OUT THAT STORYLINE HERE. Of which, I AM FINE.

!!!! Yes.


ohvienna June 11 2009, 03:38:47 UTC
I'm about 1,000% convinced she's woken up in fake 2008. Fake 2008 was the fakest 2008 that ever was fake! :) RIGHT ON, yes, LoM definitely had the quotient to it that made you wonder a bit if he woke up or not. Obvs, as A2A exists this is one area where I'm definitely happier for them to keep it simple, as in he did indeed wake up and did indeed talk about Alex at the end of LoM 2x08 which dfgdgajaldjdf I love so much I think when I rewatched that after Ashes I imploded with happy. AND NOW THEY ARE JUST BEING MORE AWESOME ON A2A BY HAVING ALEX NOT HAVE WOKEN UP AT ALL, THUS DIFFERENT FOR SPINOFF WHILE PARALLELING S2 OF LOM. TWIST! AND YES.


ohvienna June 11 2009, 03:45:15 UTC
Also, Molly was there. Which, is a big deal for me because SHE'S DEAD SHE DIED SHE'S DEAD.

This is where I do think show could fail me a bit down the line, but I don't really think so. I'm like (most all days) 100% convinced that Layton shot Molly. :/


baggers June 11 2009, 03:07:54 UTC
i don't knoooooooooow. it could easily go the other way, that she was starting to wake up so reality was starting to creep in.



daygloparker June 11 2009, 03:35:02 UTC
OR. SHE IS FUTHER ENTRENCHED IN HER MIND, and is only imagining being ~at home~ because her psyche has proved that the image of Gene Hunt is clearly not enough to keep her lulled into being dead/close to it (SINCE SHE WANTS TO SEX GENE HUNT).

(No, but really. It's like a parasite thing-y that when you try to remove it, it burrows even deeper. THIS IS A THING, RIGHT?)


I AM WRITING A FIC. IT WILL EXPLAIN ALL. This is a lame ass cope-out, yeah, I know.


baggers June 11 2009, 03:37:10 UTC
i understand that this was your point. i'm just saying, it could go either way.


atlashrugged June 11 2009, 07:51:20 UTC
That's what I was thinking but I'm not sure. Like maybe she just woke up with a touch of the batshit or something.

I change so much with this show. I was thinking about Molly and Princess Di for a while, but then realized Molly was born in 1996, not 1997. I do think that Alex and/or Molly aren't the point. I don't think that any one person is.


ciachick711 June 11 2009, 03:35:18 UTC
DUDE! That and the anchors (assuming the anchors mean anything related to Diana) makes me give the show's creators a LOT more credit than any American TV. DAMN.


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