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Comments 12

mrstater July 17 2011, 21:27:09 UTC
I think, when I get there in the books, I'm going to be a big fan of this pairing. It's just something I would do, lol.

Not really knowing the full story around Sansa at this point, this is still a really fascinating glimpse into what marriage to Joffrey makes of her. I like that she clearly has changed, and that she looks back on her old, entitled self so objectively, if not exactly regretfully. And I'm intrigued by the mixture of gruff and tender in Sandor--or at least that Sansa feels something of that from him.

Love this! And I'm amused that we both went ASoIaF for this prompt, with different characters.


just_a_dram July 17 2011, 21:45:48 UTC
Not really knowing the full story around Sansa at this point, this is still a really fascinating glimpse into what marriage to Joffrey makes of her.


Keep reading. I literally can't say anything! I know it's slow going because you've already watched GoT, but that's actually my least favorite of the books anyway.

Because, geez, Sansa's story is going to take some crazy turns.

This struck me as the perfect ASOIAF prompt. I could have written a drabble for almost any of the characters for this prompt. Good stuff.


fifmeister July 17 2011, 21:39:40 UTC
Oooh! These two are going to have something going on, aren't they? I just finished the first book, and I thought maybe I could see little glimpses of something there, but at the same time I figured it was probably just my UST goggles acting up again. Lovely writing!


just_a_dram July 17 2011, 21:47:28 UTC
I'm really not spoiling anything here. It's all UST still after 1000s and 1000s of pages.

Glad you liked it! I love this pairing.


(The comment has been removed)

just_a_dram July 17 2011, 21:48:58 UTC
Your icon is actually really apt.

You're such a sweetie for always reading my random fandom stuff. :) Glad you enjoyed it!


orehime July 18 2011, 12:51:18 UTC
Nicely done! \o/


just_a_dram July 18 2011, 16:52:56 UTC
Thank you!


tekalynn August 18 2011, 00:44:39 UTC

Whatever happens in canon, Sansa's come a long way, baby.


just_a_dram August 18 2011, 02:18:23 UTC
She has indeed!


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