April Showers Prompt 1: Tomorrow

Apr 09, 2011 23:49

Title: Tomorrow
Author: pukajen
Prompt: Prompt 1
Fandom: CSI
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Grissom/Sara if you squint
Genre: Angst
Rating & Warnings: Memories of a violent near-death.
Word Count: 488
Summary: April is the cruelest month, T.S. Eliot

Tomorrow )

fandom: csi, april showers: prompt 1, author: pukajen

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Comments 6

jaydenbell April 10 2011, 13:36:21 UTC
I only ever watched CSI off and on so it's not much in my wheelhouse anymore, but this is spot on for Grissom. And it's very tragically beautiful, his thought process in relation to the prose and life.
Great work!


pukajen April 10 2011, 15:51:22 UTC
I haven't watched in a couple of years, but the poem made me think of Grissom. Then I wanted a 'good' ep that happened in April.


mollywheezy April 10 2011, 14:42:51 UTC
You've really captured Grissom here, and I loved how you incorporated the poem. Great job! :D


pukajen April 10 2011, 15:54:36 UTC

Grissom is one of my favourite characters to write. I have an epic WIP that I will finish eventually.


tifaching April 10 2011, 20:47:43 UTC
I miss Grissom. I can really see him thinking this after the events of that ep.

Great job!


pukajen April 10 2011, 22:13:24 UTC
Yeah. I tried to watched without Sara, but it wasn't the same. When Grissom left, I was done. I've watched one, maybe two eps since Sara came back, but again, it's not the same.


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