Title: No turning back Author: jaydenbell Fandom: Glee Character: Kurt Hummel Genre: general Rating: PG Word count: 100 Summary: A weight was lifted off his shoulders with those two words.
Thank you very much. As confusing and hard as it must be for gay teens, I think living in the closet would only be so much harder. Kurt was my hero the day he came out...showed his bravery and perseverance.
I can't even imagine how hard it is for gay teens who are out, never mind still confused or firmly in the closet. This was touching and felt very true to Kurt's character.
Yeah. Being a teenager sucks enough as it is. None of us had the "perfect" teenage years. But having something like that going on too.....even though it's more accepted, being a gay teen still has to be one of the hardest things I think a young adult could go through. I always feel like the ones who come out and face it are just awesome for being braver than the rest of us.
Comments 12
Great drabble!
Thank you :)
Thank you very much for the R&R!
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