April Showers Prompt #1: Tainted (Dragon Age)

Apr 09, 2011 13:15

Title: Tainted
Author: fifmeister
Prompt: #1
Fandom: Dragon Age
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Nathaniel/Velanna, Delilah
Genre: Drama
Rating & Warnings: G, none
Word Count: 753
Summary: Fertility is a touchy subject for Velanna.

Marriage and motherhood certainly suited Delilah well. Nathaniel couldn't help but smile as he watched his sister bustle about her small kitchen, putting the finishing touches on the meal and talking a mile a minute, her skin glowing with exertion and pride. Her husband Albert was a good, steady man, and their son was healthy and strong. The child was currently balanced on Nathaniel's knee, sucking on his fingers and burbling happily.

"Oh, he loves you," Delilah exclaimed, her smile lighting her eyes as she peered at her son's round face. Her expression turned mischievous as her gaze transferred to Nathaniel, flicking back and forth between him and Velanna. "And what about you two?" she went on, her voice light and airy. "I know you're only recently married, but you're not planning to wait long, I hope? I'm sure my boy would love having some little cousins as playmates."

Beside him, Velanna stiffened, and Nathaniel hid his wince. He didn't have to look at his wife to know her eyes were glittering dangerously.

"Children aren't in our future, I'm afraid," he said, choosing his words with care. He stilled his bouncing knee, resting a hand on his nephew's head. "Decreased fertility is a side effect of being a Grey Warden. It's difficult enough for a Warden to have a child with anyone, but when both partners are Wardens, conception is nearly impossible."

"Oh!" Delilah ceased her bustling as her hands flew to her mouth, her eyes growing huge. "I didn't-I'm so sorry-"

Velanna shot to her feet, balling her napkin in her fists. "Excuse me," she bit out, voice brittle. "I need some air."

She stalked to the door and practically hurled herself through it, every line in her body tense. Delilah watched her go before she turned back to her brother, her expression stricken.


He rose from the bench and shook his head, giving her a reassuring smile as he carefully transferred the child to her arms. "It's all right. I'll go talk to her."

Velanna was nowhere in sight as he followed her path, and he sent a short prayer of thanks to the Maker that his wife had waited to teleport until she was out of the house.

It was a day to be grateful for small mercies, at least.

Delilah and Albert's property was anything but sprawling, and it didn't take him long to find Velanna pacing at the edge of a small garden, her frenetic movement a stark contrast to the orderly rows of lovingly planted vegetables. Her head shot up as he approached, her eyes burning through him.

"I should have known your sister would be just as insufferable as you are," she said, acid leaking through her tone. "I assume she thinks I'm out here weeping hysterically at the fate of my poor, shriveled-up womb?"

"Probably," Nathaniel said mildly, coming to a stop next to her. "Forgive Delilah. She means well."

"I...I know." Velanna's glower lost some of its ferocity, and her pacing slowed. "It's just..."

She huffed out a sigh, glaring at nothing, and Nathaniel waited.

"She's completely ignorant of elven culture!" Velanna burst out at last. "Even if I were capable of having a child with you, it would mean I could never look another elf in the eye again. Just being seen with you in public is practically grounds for exile."

Nathaniel reached over and slid his fingers beneath her chin, gently tilting her face toward him. "It seems the burden falls to me, my lady, to remind you that you were already exiled before I met you."

Her eyes slanted at him in mock annoyance, and she swatted his hand away. "I know that, you big oaf," she huffed, a smile threatening to cross her face in spite of herself. "Even so, some things are just too ingrained to overcome."

She tilted her head back on her shoulders, eyes scanning the nearby treetops and avoiding his gaze. "I love you," she said, almost grudgingly. "But the thought of bearing human children makes me want to be violently ill." She paused. "Or possibly just violent."

He stepped forward and placed his hands on her shoulders, bending down to press his lips to her forehead. "Then the Grey Warden taint is a blessing in disguise, isn't it?"

"I..." She blinked. "I suppose it is." She looked at him sidelong through her lashes, pursing her lips. "Curse you for being so reasonable."

And Nathaniel laughed, and pulled her into his arms.

fandom: dragon age, author: fifmeister, april showers: prompt 1

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