April Showers Prompt 1: Out of the Dark (BBC Merlin)

Apr 09, 2011 01:28

Title: Out of the Dark
Author: lunar47
Prompt: April Showers Prompt 1
Fandom: BBC Merlin
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Morgana, Mordred, Morgause
Genre: angst
Rating & Warnings: PG, immediately follows the events in 3x13
Word Count: 368
Summary: A devastated Morgana wanders aimlessly until someone from her past comes to find her.

Morgana can not recount... )

april showers: prompt 1, fandom: merlin, author: lunar47

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Comments 8

roh_wyn April 9 2011, 13:54:54 UTC
Ah, the alliance of evil is joined. :)

I love what you've done here, i.e. made Morgana seem so lost and helpless that I'm actually motivated to feel sorry for her, if only a little. Well done.


lunar47 April 9 2011, 14:54:57 UTC
lol I want to feel bad for Morgana but I can't. I used to love her but her complete 180 degrees, black/white, personality switch has made it difficult. That is why I will always write her as conflicted, damaged and somewhat vulnerable. Canon be damned ;)


roh_wyn April 10 2011, 00:41:28 UTC
I think the problem is the huge time lapse between the end of S2 and the start of S3. We didn't get to see what happened to Morgana in the one year that she was away, and I suppose it's possible she's become very different in that time.

The problem I have is that we never hear Morgana explain why she's completely forgotten anything Arthur or Uther (or even Gwen) have ever done for her. Also, I just need for Morgana and Merlin to thrown down. With magic. :D


lunar47 April 10 2011, 01:30:55 UTC
EXACTLY! I refuse to believe she just switched overnight into evil mode.

And yes I need a magical throw down :D


(The comment has been removed)

lunar47 April 9 2011, 19:37:19 UTC
I loved Morgause so I won't complain but I also want to know more about Mordred. I very much hope he's in the next series.


fantasticjackie April 13 2011, 17:10:20 UTC
This is written beautifully.

Morgana's story is so sad... And I knew that Morgause (who always spoke so very dramatically...) would have to die, but they were such close sissies! They're the bad guys, but I totally got teary-eyed at Morgana's grief.

I think you captured the immediate afterword of that scene excellently. And adding Mordred in there... Ooo! I can't wait for Season 4! I hope they do exactly this!!


lunar47 April 14 2011, 05:14:43 UTC
I definitely want to see more Mordred interaction between him and Morgana and Merlin. Also I want Morgana to figure out that Merlin has magic. I think those are my only 2 wishes, lol.

Thank you so much for your kind review :)


armaldalovy November 1 2011, 11:27:46 UTC
Good dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you on your information.


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