April Showers Prompt #7: Back to the Start (Lost)

Apr 14, 2011 13:09

Title: Back to the Start
Author: fifmeister
Prompt: #7 - Coldplay, "The Scientist"
Fandom: Lost
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Daniel/Charlotte
Genre: Is fluff a genre? :p
Rating & Warnings: G, none
Word Count: 426
Summary: Finally, she remembers.
Notes: The second I saw this prompt, I knew I had to write Daniel/Charlotte for it, partly because of this sweet Dan/ ( Read more... )

april showers: prompt 7, author: fifmeister, fandom: lost

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Comments 2

lunar47 April 15 2011, 05:04:17 UTC
ok I was already starting to get emotional just reading your author's note :(

This was so lovely. I needed them to get closure too and it didn't exactly happen. Oh well. I guess that's what fanfic is for.

*I went back to edit just to use this icon :D


fifmeister April 15 2011, 15:24:46 UTC
Aww, thanks! Yeah, the whole episode long, I was sitting there going "But when do Daniel and Charlotte get their flashy moment?!" Evil Darlton. But yes, thank goodness fanfiction exists. ;)

Icon twins! :D


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