Midwinter Prompt #9: Winter's Words (ASOIAF)

Jan 23, 2012 20:02

Title: Winter's Words
Author: mrstater
Prompt: #9, "In a certain faraway land the cold is so intense that words freeze as soon as they are uttered, and after some time then thaw and become audible, so that words spoken in winter go unheard until the next summer." (Moralia by Plutarch)
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Characters & Pairings: Jorah Mormont, ( Read more... )

fandom: a song of ice and fire, midwinter: prompt 9, author: mrstater

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Comments 26

tpeej January 24 2012, 04:03:38 UTC
Very good, I haven't gotten far into the books, but that was good and easy to see.


mrstater January 24 2012, 05:00:24 UTC
Hope you weren't too spoiled...or too confused about things I referenced that haven't happened yet! Thanks for reading, I'm pleased you enjoyed. :D


tpeej January 24 2012, 23:59:36 UTC
No I'm good. I can't wait to read the rest of the books. I'm on book 4.


anywhere_but_nj January 24 2012, 08:51:07 UTC
I love Sam being a Maester :D

"Give me the grisly details, Maester, and save your pretty sentiments for the ladies."

Hah! That is so Jorah.

I absolutely LOVE your Sam. Your explanation as to his reaction (time has passed, etc etc) is real and is not OOC for him.

The ending made me smile.


mrstater January 24 2012, 12:30:42 UTC
I love Sam and was so excited when Jon sent him to train as a maester. I think he'd be such a great one. I'm so pleased you liked how I wrote him; it was my first time, so I was nervous about characterization, especially with the leap into the future.

Couldn't resist still making Jorah a bit of a crusty guy even after getting everything he wants. ;)

Thanks for your lovely comments. :D


lainemontgomery January 24 2012, 15:57:59 UTC
So brilliant. I love that Sam's played this scenario over in his mind many times before- so perfectly in character. And Jorah- ah! Heartbreaking. Beautiful work, as always!


mrstater January 24 2012, 18:45:15 UTC
Thank you so very much! Poor Sam, that was such a heartbreaking moment in ASOS, I imagine it traumatized him. And I really hope we see Sam and Jorah meet; there's no better person for Jorah to hear from than Sam.


just_a_dram January 24 2012, 18:19:58 UTC
This is lovely. Beautiful. It could truly be canon, and I do hope we get to see this moment done by GRRM, although if we don't, we'll always have this. :) Well done, darling!!!


mrstater January 24 2012, 18:47:19 UTC
It could truly be canon

Even the bit with Jorah winning the queen's hand? ;) Seriously, that means such a lot coming from you. Sam finding Jorah is on my list of Top Ten Things I Will Be Devastated By Not Seeing in Book Six or Seven. I think it even ranks above Jorah finally getting some Dany lovin', lol.

Thanks so much. :D


just_a_dram January 24 2012, 18:50:49 UTC
Let's be honest. I'm delusional in regards to certain Jorah related things. ;)

I'll be totally bummed if we don't get Sam finding Jorah too. He deserves to hear what his father said! He's branded for God's sake!


mrstater January 24 2012, 19:17:21 UTC
Let's be honest. I'm delusional in regards to certain Jorah related things. ;)

Well, I see no problem with that. ;)

He's branded for God's sake!

I feel like the brand is Jorah's Get Out of Jail Free card. He should get everything because of that.


cyshobbitlass February 23 2012, 05:50:56 UTC
Not my pairing so I was skeptical, but really nicely done.


mrstater February 23 2012, 12:41:48 UTC
Thanks for giving it a try! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it. :D


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