Midwinter Prompt #8: Living the Dream (Tangled)

Jan 22, 2012 10:23

Title: Living the Dream
Author: JMetropolis
Prompt: Not-So-Bleak Midwinter prompt #8 (fireplace)
Fandom: Tangled
Characters & Pairings: Eugene Fitzherbert, Rapunzel, the King and Queen
Rating & Warnings: T for innuendo
Word Count: 800
Summary: Flynn had wanted a castle; Eugene was living in one.

Living the Dream )

fandom: tangled, author: jmetropolis, midwinter: prompt 8

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Comments 6

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jmetropolis January 24 2012, 12:21:31 UTC
Thank you! I just love the idea that Eugene got some of old dreams filled too, in addition to his new one.


mrstater January 24 2012, 13:00:55 UTC
Aw, of course it's his real dream come true. I'm so happy he recognizes that.


jmetropolis January 25 2012, 02:55:54 UTC
Eugene got quite a bit of wish fulfillment in that film. But he had such a rough start with the whole orphan thing, that it makes me glad he got his happy ending.


ext_956622 March 17 2012, 18:12:10 UTC
There are SO many wonderful things about this fic--Eugene finding the King's way of playing backgammon "brilliant," the delicious detail in Rapunzel making breakfast, the glimpse into how the castle works. I can *see* these scenes.


jmetropolis March 19 2012, 23:17:39 UTC
Thanks! I basically want to take this and blow it up into a multi-chap fic.


ext_956622 March 19 2012, 23:52:40 UTC
Oh, expanding this to a multi-chaptered fic is an *excellent* idea! I'm especially interested in the hints of scenes involving Eugene and the King, and Eugene and the Queen--lots of opportunity for fascinating character development there, and I'd love to *see* that mutual respect and love growing.


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