Midwinter Prompt 5: Wool (A Song of Ice and Fire)

Jan 19, 2012 15:51

Title: Wool
Author: lainemontgomery
Prompt: Midwinter Prompt 5
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire 
Characters & Pairings: Catelyn Tully Stark, Old Nan
Genre: General
Rating & Warnings: G
Word Count: 577
Summary:  The newly-minted Lady of Winterfell, with her soft southron hands, tries for the first time to card Northern wool.

Wool )

fandom: a song of ice and fire, midwinter: prompt 5, author: lainemontgomery

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Comments 6

mrstater January 19 2012, 21:22:30 UTC
What a lovely moment between them. It adds so much to Catelyn's character to see her at a younger, less secure stage of life--and to know what she grew into.


lainemontgomery January 20 2012, 16:40:01 UTC
Thank you! I'm so interested in this point of Catelyn's life- she's a total fish out of water in Winterfell. And THANK YOU for creating this community- I'm having such a great time reading everyone's work, and these prompts are a great way to warm up for the writing I do throughout the day. You rock. :)


mrstater January 20 2012, 16:47:25 UTC
Fish out of water's an apt term for Catelyn at this stage!

And thanks for your lovely words about the comm--that's just what I'd hoped it would be for our members!


tpeej January 19 2012, 22:52:31 UTC
Great story, Catelyn isn't one of my favorite characters, but in this, I found something I like about her.



lainemontgomery January 20 2012, 16:41:12 UTC
I'm not generally the biggest Catelyn fan either. ;) But thinking of her as a young girl in a strange place, lonely and scared...that makes her a bit easier for me to sympathize with. Thank you for reading!


tpeej January 20 2012, 20:57:01 UTC
No thank you for writing it.


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