Midwinter Prompt #3: Auld Lang Syne, My Dear (Downton Abbey)

Jan 17, 2012 15:31

Title: Auld Lang Syne, My Dear
Author: mrstater
Prompt: resolutions
Fandom: Downton Abbey
Characters & Pairings: Lady Mary Crawley, Sir Richard Carlisle, Lady Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham; Richard/Mary
Rating & Warnings: rated PG, spoilers for the S2 Christmas special
Word Count: 759 words
Summary: "This is Haxby, and that's not how we do it here ( Read more... )

author: mrstater, fandom: downton abbey, midwinter: prompt 3

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Comments 53

just_a_dram January 19 2012, 20:05:23 UTC
I think it's interesting that you chose to focus on and expand the episode of Richard complaining about having to serve himself. While I realize he's had to work for what he has, I think it showed a dearth of compassion or human understanding, because part of becoming wealthy and successful should entail an understanding of those who have less. The whole episode seemed to speak to more entitlement on his part than he was accusing of those born to wealth and power, as if he was entitled never to have to do for himself, no matter how that affected those in his employ, because he'd worked for it.

So, it's interesting to see you work the whole episode into something that becomes more positive.


mrstater January 19 2012, 21:30:00 UTC
The whole episode seemed to speak to more entitlement on his part than he was accusing of those born to wealth and power, as if he was entitled never to have to do for himself, no matter how that affected those in his employ, because he'd worked for it.

For sure. I thought it also was a statement about how clueless he is about how the upperclass life--contrary to what he thinks, or feels entitled to, the really great people don't just live at the expense of others. And that would definitely be something Mary would have to educate out of him if she's to retain respect within her own circle.

Actually I unintentionally went into this same theme in the next bit of Another Chapter, which you haven't seen it. :)

I just find Richard too darn interesting. ;)


just_a_dram January 19 2012, 22:35:04 UTC
Well, I look forward to seeing the next bit then!

He is definitely a real character. Shame he didn't get the coverage he deserved. There were illegit babies that needed the coverage, I guess. ;)


mrstater January 19 2012, 22:36:08 UTC
Don't you mean bastards? Or are you afraid of shocking the ladies? ;)


epea_pteroenta June 29 2012, 10:34:32 UTC
Adorable and in character! Love that she bobbed her hair. :) And that comment about Mary having to work hard to keep her place in society- so very true, and another aspect of potential similarity between her and Richard that is worth exploring.


mrstater June 29 2012, 12:49:23 UTC
Thank you so much for reading and dropping a line! I ship Mary/bobbed hair as enthusiastically as I ship Mary/Richard and Mary/mirrors!

So many angles of this relationship to explore, and I just wish JF had spent a bit more time on them, even if M/M was to be endgame.


epea_pteroenta June 29 2012, 16:46:50 UTC
Mary/bobbed hair and Mary/mirrors: YES TO BOTH SO MUCH. I want Mary to bob her hair in S03 more than anything else in the world. I don't think it will happen BUT I WANT IT.

(Sorry, that has nothing to do with your story any more but I've been having a lot of Mary/bobbed hair feelings recently and had to express them!)


mrstater June 29 2012, 17:03:21 UTC
I want Mary to bob her hair in S03 more than anything else in the world. I don't think it will happen BUT I WANT IT.

She'd just be stunning with a flapper bob. She could totally get away with it if she married Richard. It is my headcanon that after that discussion on bobbed hair he fantasizes about Mary with a bob. While Matthew thinks gooey thoughts about Mary's luscious long locks.


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