Blue Skies #27: Freedom (Archie)

Aug 16, 2011 10:08

Title: Anywhere
Author: L-chan (mellowcandle)
Prompt: #27, freedom
Fandom: Archie
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Betty, Reggie
Rating & Warnings: K
Word Count: 378
Summary: The love trapezoid is about to lose its supporting sides.

Anywhere )

author: mellowcandle, blue skies: prompt 27, fandom: archie

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Comments 2

shimotsuki August 16 2011, 18:10:19 UTC
Wow! I think this just made my day. First off, I was unexpectedly delighted by the idea of an "Archie" drabble, considering how much of my summer vacations used to be spent reading those comic books. And then this is a great premise for a summer-themed drabble -- that the supporting characters might decide to take their plot into their own hands, so to speak.

This line is my very favorite: The horizon was a black line in front of them, and she was ready to see what lay beyond it. I love that it's a reference to their world being a comic book, but it wouldn't be jarring even if you didn't know that.


mellowcandle August 17 2011, 16:15:20 UTC
Thanks very much for your comment! I wondered if an Archie drabble was too dorky even for me, but the comics and digests were a big part of my summer readings, too, and this just kinda came to me. I'm glad you enjoyed it!


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