Blue Skies Prompt #21: After the Storm

Aug 14, 2011 07:59

Title: After the Storm
Author: litlover12
Prompt: #21 (storm)
Fandom: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Character(s)/Pairings: Jeff Smith/Clarissa Saunders, a doctor
Rating & Warnings: G
Word Count: 400
Summary: “You did it, Jeff,” she whispered. “You won.”
Author's Notes: Mr. Smith is one of my favorite movies, and I've been hankering for a while to write a  ( Read more... )

blue skies: prompt 21, author: litlover12, fandom: mr. smith goes to washington

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Comments 4

goldvermilion87 August 15 2011, 04:29:48 UTC

I love this film, and I think this is a beautifully in character vignette. :-)


litlover12 August 15 2011, 15:09:28 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. I love those two characters so much, it was a delight to write them!


stillsparkling August 15 2011, 13:20:48 UTC
I like this! Those two deserve a moment together. I had always wondered why the movie ended as abruptly as it did. Somehow I feel there was something more, a lost piece if you will. So thanks for offering your take on it.


litlover12 August 15 2011, 15:10:11 UTC
"Those two deserve a moment together."

That's EXACTLY how I've always felt! So glad you liked it!


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