Blue Skies Prompt #27: The Old Ball and Chain (Tangled)

Aug 10, 2011 15:48

Title: The Old Ball and Chain
Author: mrstater
Prompt: #27, freedom
Fandom: Tangled
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Eugene, Maximus, the Captain of the Guard, and the Pub Thugs
Rating & Warnings: rated PG-13 for drinking, innuendo and crude behavior
Word Count: 612
Summary: Just another (stag) night at the pub…

The Old Ball and Chain )

fandom: tangled, blue skies: prompt 27, author: mrstater

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Comments 19

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mrstater August 10 2011, 22:34:24 UTC
Hee! I always struggle with endings, and this was no exception, so I'm very happy you liked it! Thanks for reading!


yappichick August 11 2011, 00:03:48 UTC
BAHAHAHA!! The boobcakes cupcakes! Oh my goodness! The nipple colored frosting in the captain's mustache!

Let's just say I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read this.

And the last two lines are so perfect.


mrstater August 11 2011, 01:02:15 UTC
Haha! I'm tickled you found this spew-worthy. :D Thanks for reading!


shimotsuki August 11 2011, 02:26:32 UTC
*snort* Hilarious!

Other than the boobcakes, what I love is the zany stream-of-consciousness feel to the narration, like Eugene did get a little bit tipsy on his appletini.


mrstater August 11 2011, 02:53:15 UTC
Hee! I'm so happy this made you laugh; and I'm totally giggling at the image of lightweight!Eugene. Thanks for reading!


just_a_dram August 11 2011, 03:07:18 UTC
"Like piss," Günter mutters, sipping at an appletini.

Bwahaha! I love, love, love that. Günter is my favorite thug. I want to know all about him, and I want him to get his own decorating show: Thoughtful Thug Design.

I think it's pretty fantastic that Eugene ends up having an appletini too. He'd be a James Bond wannabe in another era. Plus, he doesn't mind stamping all over his image now. Beer bad? Serve me up a fruity drink!

"I'm glad this is my last night of freedom."

That's the perfect thing for a guy who actually wants to get married to say. I'd rather hang with Blondie than the thugs too, even if they bake a mean cupcake. :)

Totally made me smile. Thanks for sharing, my dear!


mrstater August 11 2011, 03:53:44 UTC
Hee! Günter is my favorite, too--he really needs to audition for HGTV's Design Star, don't you think? (OMG, crossover idea! He TOTES decorated Gaston's hunting lodge!)

He'd be a James Bond wannabe in another era. Plus, he doesn't mind stamping all over his image now. Beer bad? Serve me up a fruity drink!

Oh dear. I'm already drowning in AU territory, and now you have me wanting to write Eugene in the 60s, adopting James Bond for an alter-ego instead of Flynnigan Rider and rescuing Rapunzel spy-style...

That's the perfect thing for a guy who actually wants to get married to say. I'd rather hang with Blondie than the thugs too, even if they bake a mean cupcake. :)

Blondes are more fun, right? And Eugene so wants to get married. :D

So happy to make you smile. That makes me smile. Thanks for commenting!


mrstater August 11 2011, 04:06:04 UTC
Haha! Awesome.

My maiden name was Bond, so I'm especially fond of this idea...


majorabbey August 11 2011, 14:24:45 UTC
Excellent job. I really like the idea of the Captain getting "nipple-coloured frosting" on his moustache.


mrstater August 11 2011, 17:04:25 UTC
Thank you!


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