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Comments 16

litlover12 August 8 2011, 23:25:30 UTC


just_a_dram August 9 2011, 00:58:21 UTC
Thanks very much!


mrstater August 9 2011, 00:05:22 UTC
Oh! Would you believe that I wanted to do something Tangled for this prompt, where Rapunzel hadn't actually spent time in the rain? I'm glad I couldn't think of anything, because you did it so much better.

That’s what’s saved her: her ability to stare things in the face and never look back, to take pleasure in the things that were denied her before without letting bitterness dampen her delight.

This is something that draws me to most of my 'ships, of one helping the other (usually the girl helping the older guy, hehe) find what was lost to him through the difficult past, and it's particularly apt for Rapunzel and Eugene. The way you paint that vulnerable side of him is so poignant--makes me wonder what all lies beneath the surface that he doesn't show her. But I love how he's learning to let that go and not spoil it for her.



just_a_dram August 9 2011, 00:57:40 UTC
Would you believe that I wanted to do something Tangled for this prompt, where Rapunzel hadn't actually spent time in the rain?

Great minds, my dear! Although I'm sure your response would have been awesome.

This is something that draws me to most of my 'ships, of one helping the other (usually the girl helping the older guy, hehe) find what was lost to him through the difficult past, and it's particularly apt for Rapunzel and Eugene.You know, she just strikes me as incredibly upbeat, despite her circumstances. And while Flynn is also very care free, the fact that he's gone down The Path of Crime makes me think he's probably not dealing with his past as well as he lets on. And Rapunzel is just the girl to make him look at everything a little differently and really appreciate it ( ... )


mrstater August 9 2011, 02:26:23 UTC
I'm extremely impressed you managed two long drabbles in one day!


(The comment has been removed)

just_a_dram August 9 2011, 14:43:33 UTC
They gotta make those Disney babies somehow. ;)

Thanks very much!


yappichick August 9 2011, 14:52:11 UTC
Eep! This was fantastic!

I love the contrast between Eugene and Rapunzel. I have to say, I'm with Eugene here. Rain = yuck.

You nailed Rapunzel's character here: her ability to stare things in the face and never look back, to take pleasure in the things that were denied her before without letting bitterness dampen her delight.

Excellent job, dude! :D :D


just_a_dram August 9 2011, 15:10:40 UTC
Dude, thanks! ;)

I'm with you and Eugene: rain is yuck. Particularly cold rain. I'd rather it just snow.

Plus, if Eugene said come to bed, well, I'd...


must_fear_harpy August 9 2011, 22:34:09 UTC
Gah. You're so good all the time.
This was great. Thanks for sharing.


just_a_dram August 11 2011, 02:53:24 UTC
That's really sweet of you to say. I'm glad to hear you liked it. Thanks for reading.


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