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Comments 10

mrstater August 9 2011, 02:33:48 UTC
I'm afraid I'm lost as the the story surrounding this, but I really love the verbal play here, and seeing Sansa older still. This fic just makes me so excited to get further in the books and see what happens to everyone, especially Jaime who seems almost a bit more like Tyrion here...

He ignores her threat, and his eyes focus on her lips as he continues, “And you’re my best hope to recover my long lost honor. It will make a pretty song. Don’t you think?”

“I don’t care for songs.” She did once, but that was long ago.

This is especially poignant, since I just read a bit in CoK tonight where Bran flashes back to the feast with Robert and the Lannisters at Winterfell, and he notes how Sansa was so enamored with the songs. Poor Sansa.

(Good lord, there's a lot of feasting in that book! GRRM spends a lot of time describing food that could be spent writing about characters. Also, while I'm ranting why does he have to describe everyone's sigil in every scene?)

Lovely ficlet!


just_a_dram August 9 2011, 03:13:47 UTC
I'm afraid I'm lost as the the story surrounding this

Sorry about that. There's like 3 books worth of vague spoilers in here making things confusing if you haven't read them. Without really giving anything away, Alayne = Sansa. It's a persona she adopts. She has a bit of a bifurcated personality, poor dear. And she or Jaime has killed the man who has been posing as her father. The murder and rescue is my invention. The rest of it is not. :)

This fic just makes me so excited to get further in the books and see what happens to everyone, especially Jaime who seems almost a bit more like Tyrion here...

To me they're very similar once Jaime starts on the path towards redemption, as a result of not being whole. They certainly share the familial snark.

This is especially poignant, since I just read a bit in CoK tonight where Bran flashes back to the feast with Robert and the Lannisters at Winterfell, and he notes how Sansa was so enamored with the songs. Poor Sansa.Ah, yes. Sansa and her songs. Florian and Jonquil. She ( ... )


mrstater August 9 2011, 03:54:41 UTC
No need to apologize! It's my problem for reading fics based on books I haven't read yet, LOL. But MPD Sansa? Now I'm well and truly intrigued...

She probably planned on naming her blond haired children Florian and Jonquil until Joff started...you know, beating her and killing her family.

Just when I've warmed to Sansa, you remind me of that horribly obnoxious line about beautiful Prince Joffrey and his beautiful blond babies... *gag*

I feel like CoK is the worst for both of those things, and I end up skimming through those bits.

Less food, more Jorah! (It's kinda funny, in light of that conversation we had last week about GRRM.)


just_a_dram August 9 2011, 04:05:59 UTC
But MPD Sansa?

ADWD has another case of MPD. So, I guess we can add that to an ever growing list of bizarre grrm tropes. Mutilation, MPD, the not-quite dead... There's probably more.


michellemtsu August 18 2011, 04:35:37 UTC
I loved it. I just hope Jaime survives long enough to make this happen. :)


just_a_dram August 18 2011, 04:47:48 UTC
I am holding out hope. *fingers crossed*

Thanks for reading and commenting. Much appreciated!


ishi_chan August 18 2011, 07:53:40 UTC
Lovely! This is exactly how I would like to imagine Jaime rescuing Sansa. And I hope he will.


just_a_dram August 18 2011, 15:47:09 UTC
Oh, fantastic! It's sort of my head canon rescue put to paper. I'm thrilled you liked it.


iorwen107 August 18 2011, 14:24:50 UTC
I loved this! I always wondered how this scenerio might play out, this was very realistic to me.


just_a_dram August 18 2011, 15:48:42 UTC
While I'd like them to be together, I think she would be very distrustful at first. That's what I tried to capture. Thanks so much for reading and commenting!


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