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Comments 17

mrstater August 7 2011, 22:58:23 UTC
Hee! This is so Ten and Rose! I'm giggling like mad at him getting totally distracted from The Matter at Hand to be fascinated by sweat, and poor Rose's failed attempts to get him back on track. But she's waited so long she can just wait a bit longer till curiosity runs it's course. Very sexy and funny, the best combination!


just_a_dram August 8 2011, 00:04:41 UTC
Hee! This is so Ten and Rose!

If I gave a mood for this entry it would be: Nervous. Nervous. Nervous! I've been reading Who-fic for months now and could never bring myself to dive in, because...yikes, it freaks me out somehow.

I told you I just might do it though. Had the hubby read it and he thought it sounded enough like them that I stuck my neck out.

So, thank you!!

Very sexy and funny, the best combination!

Fantastic! ;) I sort of think sexytimes with the Doctor must be at least a little bit funny. And a little bit intense. Ha!

I wuvs them. And I want Rose and the poor Meta Crisis Doctor to be happy. :D


mrstater August 8 2011, 00:09:55 UTC
I sort of think sexytimes with the Doctor must be at least a little bit funny. And a little bit intense. Ha!

You know, for all Ten isn't my favorite Doctor, sex with him would be the most fun and laid-back, I think. Nine would be awesome and way intense, and Eleven...I really can't quite envision it with Eleven. Though River seems to enjoy it...

I think you should write more DW fic. :)


just_a_dram August 8 2011, 00:24:56 UTC
Yes, let's discuss sex with the Doctor. ;) Hehehe...

for all Ten isn't my favorite Doctor, sex with him would be the most fun and laid-back, I think.

Agreed. *points to icon*

Nine would be awesome and way intense

And when it was all finished he'd call you a stupid ape. ;) Ha! No, no, Nine's my favorite...physically, as you know. He's just all broken and intense, so heavens only knows how that would go.

I really can't quite envision it with Eleven

For all those Who fans who say the Doctor is a-sexual, I buy it most with Eleven. Although, during the Doctor's Wife I could see that maybe he was hiding another side of himself while kicking around the universe with Amy and Rory.

I think you should write more DW fic. :)

Aww, thank you, thank you, my dear. *hugs*


10docandr August 18 2011, 01:29:31 UTC
Cute, hot, and so very them


just_a_dram August 18 2011, 02:21:40 UTC
Thanks very much! I'm happy to hear the characterization rings true for you, as this was my first Doctor Who fic. A little nervous about it. I appreciate you reading and commenting.


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just_a_dram August 18 2011, 04:41:17 UTC
This is indeed my first go at writing for the Doctor. I've been wary of stepping in, because I love the characters and don't want to muck it up.

I'm *thrilled* Ten II licking his arm made you laugh. I think they'd probably be equally parts silly and sexy.

Thank you so much for your kind words. They have truly made my evening. :D


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just_a_dram August 18 2011, 15:24:58 UTC
That drives me to write more. Friended back!


fannishliss August 18 2011, 05:08:11 UTC
Welcome to the wonderful world of Who! You've made a great entrance!! Your Ten is in character and so funny and the whole situation is very cool. Nice work!


just_a_dram August 18 2011, 15:32:27 UTC
Why thank you! How very kind. I greatly appreciate your characterization compliment and I'm glad you found this little ficlet funny. Thanks for reading and commenting. :)


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just_a_dram August 18 2011, 15:33:46 UTC
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.


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