Blue Skies Prompt #21: Invulnerable (ASOIAF)

Aug 04, 2011 18:27

Title: Invulnerable
Author: fifmeister
Prompt: #21 - storm
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jorah Mormont, Daenerys Targaryen, hints of Dany/Jorah
Genre: Drama
Rating & Warnings: PG. Spoilers for A Storm of Swords.
Word Count: 362
Summary: The weather is far from calm, and so is Ser Jorah.

Invulnerable )

fandom: a song of ice and fire, blue skies: prompt 21, author: fifmeister

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Comments 16

the_silverdoe August 4 2011, 23:04:54 UTC
Really like it! It's always nice to see Dany/Jorah fic! =)


mrstater August 4 2011, 23:15:04 UTC
Matching icons FTW!


the_silverdoe August 5 2011, 10:13:54 UTC
Oh right, yeah! I love this icon, it's very pretty! =D


fifmeister August 5 2011, 00:24:04 UTC
Thanks! This was my first ever attempt at ASOIAF fic, so I'm glad you liked it!


mrstater August 4 2011, 23:19:39 UTC
Yay! You did it! You wrote Dany/Jorah fic! And it's just as good as I knew it would be.

And I'm so glad you did, because the prompt made me think of Dany, but I couldn't come up with anything for her!

What I love about this is how you've brought out the age difference so well--she really seems like a girl and he seems like...a man of experience. And that doesn't come out in a creepy way at all, it just shows how much Dany has to learn and how much Jorah has learned (and therefore how much he has to offer her).

You've also brought out his longing for her so delicately; my stomach drops for him there at the end when Dany kisses him and runs off, oblivious.

Just lovely. I hope this is the beginning if many more. :)


fifmeister August 5 2011, 00:31:01 UTC
Oh yay, I'm so glad you like it! I was pretty nervous posting it, LOL.

I'm glad that the age difference came across without being creepy! I've just started reading Storm of Swords, and it struck me that in some parts Dany seems to be acting a bit more like a stubborn teenager than in the previous books, when she really had to be mature beyond her years, so that was how I tried to portray her here.

Alas, poor Jorah...but hopefully she'll come around eventually. ;)

Thank you so much for the lovely comment!


mrstater August 5 2011, 01:15:01 UTC
She'd be entranced by all his accoutrements. He wouldn't quite believe she was as innocent as she seemed to be.

Does this mean you've officially said the good ship Jonerys? (Erm, I don't know what abbreviation this pairing should get. Jony?)

How about The Kiss?


fifmeister August 5 2011, 02:31:42 UTC
Daenerah? Jorys? I've always been terrible at mushed ship names, LOL. I don't know if I would say it's my official OTP just yet, but I'm definitely paying attention to it from here on out!

How about The Kiss?

I actually just got to that part! I loved how Dany was all "You shouldn't have done that!" even though she totally kissed him back. Conflicted romances, how I love them. XD


just_a_dram August 5 2011, 15:00:45 UTC
Great Dany/Jorah! I'm glad to see more people writing this pairing.

You capture his desire quite nicely.


fifmeister August 5 2011, 15:07:47 UTC
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. :)


hereswith August 11 2011, 15:40:34 UTC
Lovely! I haven't read the books (though I'm thoroughly spoiled on what happens), but watching the show this pairing intrigued me and this piece is deliciously full of unspoken longing.


fifmeister August 11 2011, 18:23:32 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it. :)


phoenikxs October 23 2011, 14:12:25 UTC
Joining the party a bit late, but I loved your fic!
The world needs more Dany/Jorah fic and yours was just the perfect amount of bittersweet and utterly in character.


fifmeister October 24 2011, 01:40:20 UTC
Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and especially that you thought it was in character. :)


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