blues skies #10: "Thy eternal summer"

Jul 29, 2011 08:21

 Title:  Thy eternal summer
 Author: fannishliss
 Prompt: #10, Shakespeare's XVIII
 Fandom: Doctor Who
 Characters & Pairings:   Eight, Rose
 Rating & Warnings:  G
 Word Count:  100
 Summary:   When he is most alone, someone who loves the Doctor is right there with him.

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fandom: doctor who, blue skies: prompt 10, author: fannishness

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Comments 16

n_e_star July 29 2011, 20:42:59 UTC
Oh, well done. Really, awesome.


fannishliss July 29 2011, 21:55:19 UTC
I really appreciate your comment. I reworked this many times over the course of a week, so it means a lot to get nice feedback.

Eight seems like such a gorgeous, doomed Doctor.

I'm very glad you enjoyed!

It feeds in as a prologue to a much longer story, if you are interested:



othermewriter July 31 2011, 21:36:39 UTC
Ohh our poor poor Doctor, glad though at his worst moment he had the bad wolf.


fannishliss August 6 2011, 12:26:31 UTC
oh hi! thanks for commenting -- it always makes me happy when someone takes the time to comment on a drabble. :)


(The comment has been removed)

fannishliss August 8 2011, 16:45:11 UTC
Her line about the Time War struck me as exactly what the Doctor must have said... so it came together for me that way as my head canon too. :) I think they both said it! I was glad Eight could at least feel the echo and that there was someone out there believing in him.

For such a sunny prompt it went pretty dark on me!! The Doctor's Eternal Summer is a curse in a lot of ways.


bloose09 August 8 2011, 22:37:37 UTC
This gave me serious chills. So haunting and yet uplifting to know Rose/Bad Wolf was there at Eight's loneliest moment.

A beautiful prologue to "Her Golden Fire" indeed.


fannishliss August 8 2011, 23:04:36 UTC
Thanks so much for your wonderful comment. At one point I think the Doctor says that Bad Wolf is a phrase that's been following him his whole life -- does he mean since his first regeneration??? Because that is pretty significant to me!

This little drabble was a key part of the inspiration for Her Golden Fire, because understanding that moment was the key to both stories. :)


time_spectator August 10 2011, 05:56:23 UTC
Oh wow. Yes you were thunderstruck eh? That is a perfect place to evoke that Bad Wolf phrase and I can just 'hear' it (sort of echoed with Bad Wolf at that!).


fannishliss August 10 2011, 10:19:13 UTC
Bad Wolf is amazing. Thanks for taking time to comment!


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