Title: Leaving Home Author: lilachigh Prompt: No.9 Road Trip Fandom: Buffy Characters: Willow, Xander Rating: PG Word Count: 400 Summary: With one apocalypse averted, everyone is moving on - or trying to...
'The world was a bright, glittering package for Willow Rosenberg to open. To him it was a broken toy thrown away in a garbage sack.' I love that, the dichotomy between them.
Also, Hawaii, lol :D Good luck road tripping there, Xander.
And finally the car engine giving out, as if Xander isn't allowed to leave Sunnydale :D
LOL, stalking my profile? :D Because I didn't know about it? Because I probably couldn't afford it? Because transport is an issue for me unless family obliges? Because I have 'issues' that sometimes limit my social interaction? Or some combination of all of the above...but, hey, send me a link and I'll check it out because I honestly didn't know about it at all :D
Not stalking! Just that I love to know who is reading my work and when i find a UK person it's even better. writerconuk very small con, great fun and everyone very friendly.
Comments 5
Also, Hawaii, lol :D Good luck road tripping there, Xander.
And finally the car engine giving out, as if Xander isn't allowed to leave Sunnydale :D
Because I didn't know about it? Because I probably couldn't afford it? Because transport is an issue for me unless family obliges? Because I have 'issues' that sometimes limit my social interaction? Or some combination of all of the above...but, hey, send me a link and I'll check it out because I honestly didn't know about it at all :D
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