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Comments 14

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just_a_dram July 25 2011, 20:42:03 UTC
There must be some lingering issues, but sandcastles made with frying pans probably go a long way to help. :)


mrstater July 24 2011, 21:47:58 UTC
Do you know, it actually never occurred to me the king and queen and even Eugene would be really concerned about anything happening to her again, but they so would be! You've really captured their internal battle for the balance between legitimate safety and making Rapunzel feel trapped again. What a tight-rope walk.

And what a lovely ending line, as well. (Now, I want the sequel where Eugene and Rapunzel have fun on the beach. Maybe he could just bury her in the sand to keep her from running off into danger. Hee. ;))


litlover12 July 24 2011, 22:37:16 UTC
Yeah, I want a sequel too! :-) This was really sweet!


just_a_dram July 25 2011, 20:53:23 UTC
Thank you. I just might have to write one!


just_a_dram July 25 2011, 20:45:55 UTC
Yeah, this sort of needs a happy, beachy sequel. I thought that even as I wrote it. Cause I like them full of squee, let's be honest.

Maybe he could just bury her in the sand to keep her from running off into danger. Hee. ;)

That's an idea made of win. :)

I think I have ideas... Hmm...


yuenmei July 24 2011, 22:45:45 UTC
Adorable, I love Eugene toeing the line between protective and smothering here. And I love him being addicted to her kisses :). And there ARE sick fucks out there! Luckily she has him and his jadedness to keep her safe.


just_a_dram July 25 2011, 20:51:39 UTC
Thanks! I think they present a good balance for each other between boundless enthusiasm and jadedness. I would think it would not only benefit Eugene, but also be useful for reining in Rapunzel if truly necessary.


yappichick July 25 2011, 20:16:24 UTC
Yay for Tangled goodness! :D :D

I love your characterization of Eugene here. It's dead on perfect. Great, great job! :D :D

(And I love the idea of her making sandcastles with her frying pan! ♥ )


just_a_dram July 25 2011, 20:57:01 UTC
Thanks, darling. :)

I like protective Eugene. Not gonna lie.

There might need to be a sandcastle and frying pan sequel in the future.


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just_a_dram July 28 2011, 19:38:54 UTC
Thank you, my dear! I find them a very charming pair to write. :)


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