Blue Skies, #8: Til Human Voices Wake Us (A:tLA, G)

Jul 23, 2011 21:56

Title: Til Human Voices Wake Us
Author: Becca Stareyes
Prompt: #8: picture of swimmers
Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Yue
Rating & Warnings: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: Yue dreams of the sea.

Yue has had the same dream for all her life. )

fandom: avatar: the last airbender, author: beccastareyes, blue skies: prompt 8

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Comments 4

tifaching July 24 2011, 17:11:47 UTC
Age does bring perspective. So sad to yearn for something you probably can't ever have.


beccastareyes July 24 2011, 17:17:49 UTC
Thank you for reading.


scribble_myname July 24 2011, 17:31:13 UTC
Pretty and poetic. Very evocative.


beccastareyes July 24 2011, 17:57:24 UTC
Thank you. It's one thing I try to do with drabbles, since they're short enough that every word counts.


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