Blue Skies Prompt #21: Invulnerable (ASOIAF)

Aug 04, 2011 18:27

Title: Invulnerable
Author: fifmeister
Prompt: #21 - storm
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jorah Mormont, Daenerys Targaryen, hints of Dany/Jorah
Genre: Drama
Rating & Warnings: PG. Spoilers for A Storm of Swords.
Word Count: 362
Summary: The weather is far from calm, and so is Ser Jorah.

The sea is churning, and Jorah's stomach with it.

He stands with a fist curled around one of the ship's wooden beams, pressing himself as far beneath the tiny overhang as he can. It helps little: rain pours in rivulets down his face, obscuring his vision, and his garb is so drenched it will likely take the rest of the voyage to dry out.

His queen does not share his discomfort.

A flash of lightning illuminates Daenerys' face, pale and lovely, her eyes aglow and her lips parted in a smile as bright as starlight. The relentless rain lashes her, soaking her hair and clothes and surely chilling her to the bone, but she voices no complaint-only a peal of youthful laughter. She stands at the ship's edge, clasping the railing with both hands and looking out into the tossing waves as though daring the sea to reach up and take her.

It very nearly does when a sudden swell rocks the ship, and Jorah's heart lodges in his throat, his free hand reaching for her of its own accord as he watches her totter. "Khaleesi-"

She regains her balance, agile as a gazelle, and shoots him a quick, laughing glance. "All is well, Ser Jorah."

Frustration wars with desire as he watches her, trying not to let his eyes linger on the shapely curves beneath the clinging sodden gown, the wet fabric leaving little to the mind's eye. She is filled with the invulnerability of youth, and he worries at his lower lip, wanting to tell her that just because fire can't harm her, doesn't mean nothing else can-

Another gentle burst of laughter interrupts his thoughts, barely audible above the storm. Suddenly his queen has left the railing, darting across the slippery deck on light steps to press a hand to his shoulder and her lips to his cheek.

"Don't look so distraught, ser," she says. "I am Stormborn. You need not fear for me."

She favors him with another beaming smile, quick as the lightning bolts still clawing across the sky, and then she returns to the ship's side and tilts her face up into the rain.

fandom: a song of ice and fire, blue skies: prompt 21, author: fifmeister

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