I'm getting pickier and pickier as a reader. At one time, I finished pretty much any book I started. Then I took to giving a book 50 pages before I asked myself, "If I lost this book, would I care enough to replace it?" If the answer was no, I stopped reading. In the last two months, I've probably set aside at least half the books I started.
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Comments 23
Having said that, I'm pretty picky about what I read in the first place so I skim through the first few pages before deciding whether or not to chance it.
Plus, I rarely buy books.
it's the author's job to get me interested
That's what I've come to think too. I used to blame myself when something made no sense or I was bored for a stretch of the book. But I don't do that any more.
You're reading mostly YA these days, right?
If you don't regret taking back an unfinished book to the library, that's a sign of something!
I'm looking forward to re-reading GRRM's books this summer and then plunge into "Dance" , though.
But I've been trying to take a break between each book because Westeros is a nasty place.
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