Crawling Over the Hiatus Hump...

Jul 07, 2007 02:06 entertaining myself with this Clark/Lex mpreg picspam/story fusion of insanity.

Author: dawnybee
Rating: PG
Warning: Mpreg
Title: Where the Story Begins

It was my Senior year. Life was better than it had been for some time. I was on the football team, I was getting more comfortable with my abilities and Lex and I were back together. We managed to put the whole creepy-room-dedicated-to-my-freakiness behind us. It wasn’t an easy decision to reunite, it meant having to be honest with each other. About everything. I told him about my alien heritage and he told me about every experiment, dubious dealing and questionable act he was planning or involved in (which scarily, was a bunch).

Yes, honest about everything. I told him that I preferred my Mom’s lemonade over his most expensive Sauvignon Blanc anytime and he told me that my boots needed Odor Eaters.

I was in love. According to Chloe, “disgustingly so".

This is the only footage he shot of me that I can show anyone.

He says my blush rivals the sun. Dork.

Of course we had to make up for lost time. At the mansion on satin sheets (romantic, but I always slip off the bed)

At the gaudy motel on the outskirts of town where everyone says Coach Gimley and Ms. Adler in Home Ec. hook up every Thursday.

In his office, atop his very sturdy desk.

There were non-Lex aspects to my life. While he was running the plant and keeping Lionel at bay. I was juggling my chores, saving people, studying and practicing. The team actually liked me.

I didn’t have time to notice anything “off” about me. Even when I began getting sick.

Or eating my folks out of house and home.

Then the floating began anew. Every night I would wake up in the cave, except I wasn’t waking up from a sleep, but a trance. Like the cave was communing with me.

When my Mom or Dad would ask what was wrong, I would say “it’s an alien thing” and they’d leave me alone.

It was an alien thing. From what the cave was “telling me” all signs pointed to

That's Kryptonian for "baby".

Trying to find the perfect time to explain an imperfect situation was hard.

I had many opportunities to tell Lex and I didn’t take any of them.

Complete honesty was a fine concept in theory, but knowing that you could possibly lose the one you love makes it a difficult leap to take. It was the leap I had to take though. I couldn’t just disappear (although I did run away to Maui for an hour. It looks better on postcards).

I told him.

But being a Luthor, he quickly pulled himself together.

I tried to listen to his murmured words of assurances over the frantic beating of his heart.

I hated keeping it from my folks, but there didn’t seem to be any right way to say the words. My Dad was only beginning to be able to say Lex’s name without making a face as if something had crawled up and died in his mouth. That was the reason I gave Lex for keeping my parents in the dark. Lex didn’t want to hear excuses.

That was another new thing: the arguments. We began arguing over every little thing.

They would usually end almost as fast as they began. We’d shout, then just sit quietly beside each other. The fact that neither of us ran away said it all.

Or Lex would offer up a smile as a peace offering.

And we’d make up.

I’m not bragging, but having me beneath him always makes Lex forget what he was doing or saying.

But apparently telling my parents about the baby was enough to clear through the fog.

The saying goes, “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts’. It goes for boyfriends with macramé towels.

There was no long, drawn out speech using some ancient Roman myth as a parallel to our situation. He blurted out, “Clark’s pregnant and we need to discuss how we can keep him and my child safe.”

It went over as well as selling a crop of vegetables sprayed with DDT to an organic dealer. That means not well.

There was shouting and swearing. I didn’t know my mom could talk like that.

Things blew over and I was now left to planning. I wasn’t prepared for all the choices I had to make.

Should I do Lamaze?

Should I breastfeed? Could I breastfeed?

Sometimes it would get too much, but Lex was there.

And my folks.

Graduation came next. It couldn’t have happened at a better time, the gown hid my weight gain. Barely.

Despite being a gay, pregnant alien, life was moving along normally (for lack of a better term). I was awaiting hearing from Met U (Smallville Junior College as a backup plan), I spent my time creating new and interesting reasons for not allowing Lana and Chloe to visit (Mad Cow Disease outbreak on the farm-keep it to yourselves) all while deliberating how to explain the sudden appearance of a baby (No. Idea).

Lex, meanwhile was driving me crazy with questions. Not even ones I could answer, but ones that festered in his mile-a-minute brain and would spew out at random moments. Usually, in the middle of the night as I tried to sleep. “Yes, Lex, I suppose this could’ve been a plan by my race to conquer Earth. It’s within the realm of reason that they planted an egg in me just waiting for you to fertilize it. Sure. Uh-huh. Go to sleep.”

One thing I did know was that it was getting harder and harder to move around.

That was the hardest thing-not having control of my body. And my nipples.

The morning/afternoon/evening sickness was long gone. Now I was just antsy and constantly turned on. It was weird. I was feeling self-conscious and fat and miserable, but Lex would look at me…

…And none of that mattered.

The months went by and I got bigger. And bigger. It was as horrifying as it was fascinating.

Lex didn’t seem to mind.

All the pregnancy websites I searched talked about knowing when the time would arrive. Counting backwards from your last cycle-which didn’t help me, but gave me a guideline. Should’ve known things would be different for me.

The first contraction hit me like a ton of kryptonite.

Lex was there, telling me that it was a false labor. I was only six months-- it couldn’t be happening.

Yeah, well, it was.

Those stories about forgetting about the pain of childbirth after you hold your baby? Lies. I can’t believe women do this willingly. And more than once!

There were nice moments. From looking at my Mom for help that she couldn’t give me, but would if she could.

To Lex urging me and the baby on.

But mostly there was pain.



And the pain didn’t matter. He’s not the last son of Krypton---he’s the first El of Earth.

I love him so much.

It’s safe to say Lex does too.

We’re both sleep deprived, but Lex is feeling the effects more than me.

I told my parents that I was developing a new ability. I was exhausted, but I couldn’t sleep because I had the overwhelming need to watch over Daniel, I had to hold him or watch him and make sure he was all right. I wondered aloud if it was some Kryptonian hyper awareness kicking it. My Mom and Dad exchange smiles before explaining what it was I was experiencing.


Which is way cooler than being able see through things.

Lex was pushing for a nanny, arguing that he was raised by one. He was surprised that I didn’t think it a convincing argument. Besides, there was nothing better than feeding time.

I’m not crazy about the resultant diaper duty though.

If anyone would’ve told me at the start of Senior year that I would get back with Lex and then have a child, I would have had them locked up in Belle Reve with the rest of the lunatics. Turns out my life is strange and wondrous and scary and pretty wonderful.

What? It really is.

drabble me this and ficlets, smallville

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