Dawning Night Revamped Rules

Jun 03, 2008 19:51

After an extended hiatus, Dawning Night RPG is back, and for your convenience, we've ordered the rules all in one post. Old players, do check in, too, because there are a few tweaks.

Posting Format -

Date: (The year is 2012. The month is currently late December, post-Christmas.)
Status: (Open, Private, Selective to certain characters)
Plot/General: (Is this thread important to global or character plot, or a filler thread?)
Warnings: (Rating, blood, sex, violence, etc)

1. Be civil. IC and semi-IC bickering is perfectly alright, but lets not forget that IC transgressions are NOT OOC ones. If you can't handle that concept, you can't play with us.

2. Post at least once a week. Post once every three days if you're playing a main character.

3. IC posts are to be written in third-person past OR present tense. No exceptions. If you make character journal entries, they are to be as if the character themselves wrote it.

4. Despite the vast amount of canon characters available to play, we are open to OCs. However, watch your strength. Godlike OCs are not fun to play with. Relations/friendships with other characters in the game are allowed, but only with permission by the player.

5 Which brings us to a VERY IMPORTANT POINT. To be fair to players, and to encourage plots, we will not allow 'Omega' level mutants, nor any equivalent. Unless you're Thor or Loki, we don't want any godlike powers here. No Ascended beings, no ultimate cosmic power.

The only current exceptions are Iceman and Jean Grey. Plot-driven characters are exempt. All others will be judged on a strict, case-by-case basis.

6. We really don't care how you ship, or how many you ship with. Just be sure its consensual between every player involved.

7. Tags. Tag your threads with your characters name and anything relevant to your thread. We encourage fun, humorous tags. Also, if there is adult or graphic content, tag it with that as well, and place a warning in your summary. This RPG is rated R, but that doesn't mean everyone wants to read it all.

8. Grammar. We don't expect perfection, but please. Write legibly, and use a spell checker. LJ comes with one built in, so don't be afraid to use it. Also, silly formating LyKe Th1s will get you kicked. It wouldn't pass in an app, it won't pass in play. Don't do it.

9. God Modding, or the practice of manipulating characters thoughts, feelings, or even actions in significant ways, without the players permissions, is completely unacceptable, and will get you kicked faster than you can spell omnipotent.

9. We have no character limit, but please be able to be reasonably active with every character you take.

10. NPCs. NPCs can be created by anyone. In essence, they are the background characters that are always around somewhere in stories, but no one ever plays. All canon characters not currently being played are considered NPCs, and subject to their rules.

There are two classes of NPC. Common, and Critical.

Common NPCs are your general grocer down the street, or your next door neighbor. They can be controlled by one, or by many. They are also very very disposable. While its generally good manners to contact the creator and/or main player of the Common NPC before hurting or killing one, you do not need their permission to do it. Bear that in mind.

Critical NPCs are your faithful sidekick, that informant that helps you out of your binds, or even your butler. They're characters that could potentially become full-fledged played characters if fleshed out a bit more. Critical NPCs are generally controlled by only one or two people, due to their precise characterization, or close connections to a character. Without a Crit NPC, a character, a plot, or the game just wouldn't be the same.

No one other than mods may seriously harm or kill a critical NPC without consent from the NPCs controller. Critical NPCs must have mod approval. (Application here.)

Canon characters are always Critical.

11. Age limit. This RPG is rated R. If you're too young for LJ to let you read this, you're too young to play. Likewise, if you're playing someone who's underage, remember to set their birthdate before December 1989, or they will be unable to access the comms.

12. PBs. You must have a PB, and they must be a real person--no drawings. (While drawings, like comic book art, can be used as supplemental icons, there must be a real person grounding as the main PB) That said...don't use a PB that's already in use unless there's a significant reason why they would look exactly the same. Taken PB list is here.

Note that two characters being portrayed by the same actor in their canons is a legitimate reason to use a duplicate PB.

13. Duplicate characters. On occasion we will allow multiple versions of a character, but they must be significantly different--IE Doctor Who s1 Jack and Torchwood Jack. They must also have a reason to be there.

!modpost, rules

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